- Your needles are amazing
- You’re Sick and Tired of Fatigue: How Acupuncture can Help
- Worth a try
- Without acupuncture, I would be unable to work—or play!
- Within six treatments I was on my feet again and sleeping well
- With the help of acupuncture I was able to carry this baby to full term
- With acupuncture treatments, I have regained some of the strength in my legs
- With a smile on my face
- Why Treating the Ear, the Hand, or Even the Foot, Makes Whole Body Healthier
- Why Traveling to the Source is Valuable–My Internship in China
- Why Chinese Herbal Medicine is a Formula for Success
- Why Balance Promotes Healing
- When Disease Prevention is your Priority
- What can Acupuncture treat–according to the World Health Organization?
- What a relief to not have to consider taking chemical meds!
- Welcome to acupuncturehealingarts.com – Website for Steve Phillips Acupuncture
- Weight Loss–Does Acupuncture Help?
- Very professional
- Truly cares for his patients’ well being
- Trigger Points: how Trigger Point Therapy makes Acupuncture even more powerful
- Trigger Points–questions & answers about myofascial pain and trigger point therapy
- Trigger Point Specialist Extraordinaire
- Tremendous improvement in my life
- Treatment completely released the spasm
- Treated my sciatica with acupuncture
- Today I feel strong
- To my surprise, the needles do not hurt
- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome-What Is It and How Do We Treat It?
- The world looks like a brighter place without pain
- The treatments work to manage my pain
- The treatments reduce my stress level and have a calming effect
- The treatment was completely successful
- The right acupuncture treatment
- The pain has lessened
- The pain has been controllable
- The pain disappeared
- The operative word here is treatment
- The only option offered to me from my primary care physician was surgery
- The Natural and Relaxing Way to Cool Down Hot Flashes
- The Mystery of How Acupuncture Works, Revealed—the Way the Ancient Chinese Understood it.
- The hot flashes are 80% gone
- The awesome curative power of acupuncture
- The “Acupuncture Facelift”: Cosmetic Acupuncture
- That was 5 years ago and haven’t had a problem with my neck
- Thankful
- Thank you Steve for making me feel so much better
- Thank you for the acupuncture treatments
- Tangible relief
- Suffered from back pain for many years
- Success with allergies
- Stress levels are minimal after I leave Steve’s office
- Strained my lower back
- Stopping my cold from getting worse
- Still in shock how quickly Steve was able to “fix” me
- Steve’s results are like a few weeks of vacation
- Steve Phillips’ knowledge/ability changed my pain filled life!
- Steve has been a pleasure to work with in so many ways
- Sports Injuries–When to Join the Team of Injured Athletes who use Acupuncture
- So much better
- Skilled acupuncture treatments
- Since 2004 doctors have been trying to find the cause
- Significant relief
- Sick and tired of all the medicine doctors kept wanting to “try”
- Shoulder Pain-rotator cuff injuries and how acupuncture helps
- Shoulder Pain-Impingement Syndrome, How We Treat It
- Shin Splints-How acupuncture helps the two different types
- Severe arm and shoulder pain
- Search Testimonials: Results
- Search My Website
- Sciatica Pain: Acupuncture is a natural way to relieve it
- Sciatica and Acupuncture
- Saw 5 different doctors
- Results were so stunning (20 years of chronic pain gone!!)
- Restoring me to better health
- Relief from phantom pains
- Relief from numbness
- Rehabilitation
- Reduced and stabilized my pain levels
- Really hate needles!
- Promising results
- Professional expertise
- Preventative Medicine the Chinese Way
- Post Herpatic Neuralgia: you had shingles and are still in pain? You can get relief–acupuncture can help.
- Positive results
- PMS–Yes, Acupuncture provides relief
- Plantar Fasciitis–Stubborn, Stabbing Pain and How Acupuncture Comes to the Rescue
- Plagued with chronic neck and upper back pain
- Permanent smoking cessation!
- Peripheral Neuropathy–How Acupuncture helps
- Peripheral Neuropathy and Acupuncture
- Pain, general-5 Ways to explain how Acupuncture controls it
- Pain seems to have lessened considerably
- Pain in my left foot
- Our family’s acupuncturist
- One of the best decisions of my life
- Noticed a remarkable difference
- Noticed a big difference
- No pain pills
- No negative side effects
- No longer have seasonal allergies
- No inflamed joints since starting the treatment
- Neck Pain-Five Causes and How Acupuncture Helps
- Neck pain that was affecting my life to the point I could not move without major pain
- Near death auto accident
- My wheelchair and two walkers are back in storage
- My treatment is consistently accurate
- My shoulder could have had surgery
- My primary care doctor suggested acupuncture treatments
- My OB/GYN said that there was nothing he could do for me
- My Neurologist had told me not to do any painting
- My M.D. said there was nothing he could do to help
- My journey back to good health
- My hot flashes have reduced by 90%
- My headaches have become nearly non-existant
- My energy level has greatly improved
- My discomfort was relieved
- My ankles and wrists significantly improved
- My “Restless Leg Syndrome” symptoms seemed to have disappeared!
- Moving without pain
- Most effective acupuncture treatment I have every had!!
- Morton’s Neuroma
- More than pain control
- Migraines are a thing of the past
- Many thanks to Steve!
- Made me not want to eat all the greasy foods
- Made me feel “whole” again as well as a whole lot younger
- Limped into his office, and then walked out as if I never had a problem
- Knee Pain: Patellar Tendinopathy, or Jumper’s Knee: A fourfold treatment strategy
- Knee Pain: Runner’s Knee, Chondromalacia and how we treat it
- Knee pain from Osteoarthritis: how Acupuncture helps
- Knee pain caused by ‘Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome’: What it is and how it can be treated
- Kind healing help
- Kept me pain-free
- Keeps my Sacramento allergies at bay
- Keep a lid on hay fever
- Instant relief
- Insomnia? How to sleep better without sleeping pills.
- Infertility and Acupuncture
- In desperation tried acupuncture
- Improvement in both ears
- Improved tremendously!
- Improved immunity
- Immediate relief after the first treatment
- Ibuprofen wasn’t working
- I’ve reduced my usage of migraine medicine by 95%
- I’m not taking a lot of the medications I was once placed on.
- I would highly recommend seeing Steve for relief
- I was willing to try anything and everything
- I was sick and tired of being sick and tired
- I was sceptical about acupuncture at first
- I was in constant pain
- I was hoping for relief and received a full pardon!
- I used a walker until I saw Steve Phillips
- I recommend this highly skilled medical professional
- I pushed for a referral for acupuncture
- I now have a regular life
- I no longer dread the spring season
- I hurt my back
- I have suffered from hay fever all my life
- I have lost about 20 lbs the right way, slowly
- I have gotten my life back
- I have always remained pain free
- I have a new zest for life
- I had been in so much pain
- I felt the difference in my well being
- I felt immediately my condition getting better
- I feel so much relief from acupuncture
- I feel hopeful that I will regain my full mobility
- I didn’t want my knee to be injected with steroids so I thought I’d try acupuncture
- I decided to try acupuncture
- I decided to ask for acupuncture treatments
- I couldn’t believe how well acupuncture really works
- I could not ask for better results
- I come to him when I am injured or out of balance
- I can walk a lot further
- I can sleep comfortably and lead a normal life
- I asked my doctor if I should try an acupuncturist and he said, “Why not.”
- I appreciate the technique of Acupuncture
- I am very glad to have my life back
- I am very glad that I stumbled upon Steve
- I am happy to say I am now a non-smoker!
- I am completely out of pain most all of the time
- I am a believer in Steve Phillips’ acupuncture
- I always leave feeling revitalized
- I always feel better after his treatments
- Hypertension-Some Good News from Scientific Studies
- How to Relieve the Common Cold Even If there is No Cure
- How Acupuncture Manages Your Stress Even If You Don’t Have Time to Go to the Beach
- How Acupuncture Helps you Stop Smoking, When to Stop, and Why
- His experience and expertise led to an acupuncture method that was highly effective
- Hip Pain: Acupuncture for Pain of the Anterior Hip and Groin
- Hip Pain, Lateral Side—How Acupuncture Helps
- Hip Osteoarthritis and What Results to Expect from Acupuncture
- Hip Pain, Posterior–what causes it and how is it treated?
- Highly professional and sincerely warm hearted
- Helping to relieve my pain
- Helped to relieve my pain
- Helped me to feel better
- Health Insurance Accepted & Cash Payment for Acupuncture Treatment
- Health benefits beyond my expectation
- Headaches–how to control them with no side effects
- Has kept me in the best possible condition
- Has helped me more than other acupuncturists that I have been to
- Has done wonders for my back
- Has a deep knowledge and very good skills
- Happy with the results
- Hamstring Strains and Hamstring Tendinopathy: The Acupuncture Solution for Relief
- Gives me more energy
- Get rid of digestive problems with the ‘power’ of Acupuncture
- Get Better While you Sleep–Acupuncture Promotes the Relaxation Response
- Found relief for various injuries
- Foot Pain: Morton’s Neuroma—How it Responds to Acupuncture
- First acupuncture experience
- Fibromyalgia–You probably have it if you have these 11 signs. Acupuncture Can Help in More Ways than One.
- Fever at 104°
- Featured Acupuncture Articles
- Fallen in love with acupuncture!
- Elbow Pain-Tennis Elbow and Golfer’s Elbow
- Effective for a wide variety of ailments
- Dramatic improvement in both frequency and severity of headache
- Do the Chinese get Back Pain?
- Disabling anxiety problem
- Decreased the pain tremendously!
- Dear Steve
- Cortisone had not solved my problem
- Contact & Clinic Information
- Consider acupuncture as an alternative to conventional medication
- Cold sore disappeared
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome-How Acupuncture Helps
- Bell’s palsy on the right side of my face
- Beat the Blues Without Side-Effects–How Acupuncture Helps Depression
- Be kind to yourself.
- Back Pain-Acute Injuries from Sports, from Work, or from ‘Whatever’
- Asthma: What if Acupuncture Could Stop an Asthma Attack? And beyond that-improve the condition?
- Arthritis, General-3 Ways Acupuncture Relieves the Pain
- Appropriate care
- Am now beginning to take short walks without backlash of pain
- Am back to my jogging
- Allowing me to live a fuller life
- Allowed me to be much more active
- Allergic Rhinitis, or Hay Fever–it’s springtime again in Sacramento, time to call my acupuncturist…
- After several of my treatments, I was down to only a few cigarettes a day, and then I finally quit.
- After only 1 treatment the pain subsided to almost nothing
- After my first treatment with Steve, the relief was tremendous
- After a few appointments I was amazed at how good I started feeling
- Adept at his practice of acupuncture
- Addictions: The Natural, Time-tested Way to Manage Drug Addiction
- Acupuncture—A Philosophical and Historical Overview
- Acupuncture was the keystone to my recovery
- Acupuncture treatments have helped me go and do things I want to do
- Acupuncture treatments for me are working
- Acupuncture Testimonials – search over 200 patient testimonials by condition(s) treated
- Acupuncture Microsystems & Reflections on the Holographic Body
- Acupuncture is the only thing that has helped with my chronic pain
- Acupuncture is relaxing and restful
- Acupuncture is an amazing technique
- Acupuncture helps to keep my body balanced
- Acupuncture helped us bring a healthy life into this world!
- Acupuncture has helped manage the pain
- Acupuncture has enabled me to continue working
- Acupuncture has and is improving my life
- Acupuncture gives me relief from my chronic pain and exhaustion
- Acupuncture as an essential piece
- Acupuncture and Insomnia
- Acupuncture & Pain
- Acupuncture & Arthritis
- Acupuncture & Allergic Rhinitis
- Achilles Tendonitis-the two types, and how Acupuncture helps
- About Steve Phillips
- About 95% to almost 100% recovered
- A very calming experience!
- A Healthy Balance
- A convert for acupuncture!!!
- A co-worker recommended acupuncture
- 80% reduction in the intensity and frequency of headaches
- 3 weeks away from my first marathon I went to Steve Phillips
- “Try him and see for yourself!”