3 weeks away from my first marathon I went to Steve Phillips

3 weeks away from my first marathon I went to Steve Phillips

My lower back always hurts to some degree. After several days of immobility due to a bad flu I was barely able to lift my right leg and the pain I normally feel on one side spread across my entire lower back. Panicked, because I was three weeks away from my first marathon I went to Steve Phillips.

Steve impressed me because he carefully listened, treated for results and followed up to assure improvement. Steve really listened and exchanged information focused on making sure he understood the problem and identified the area in pain. When I say he treated for results, I mean that he made sure to focus on the area that when treated would help me feel the best. Through the acupuncture, heat, pressure, and physical manipulation Steve worked on the area of concern diligently. Other practitioners seem to be worried about time limits, while Steve worried about administering treatment to its maximum therapeutic benefit. With respect to follow-up Steve would not let me leave until he was sure I felt better. Several times he felt the initial treatment loosened me up enough to reach another area that if treated, I would experience greater pain relief. Steve made sure I received this treatment and this resulted in faster improvement.

Overall I appreciated the professional and dedicated acupuncture experience. I was able to complete my first marathon and I am thankful of the role Steve Phillips played in helping me to achieve this goal.

Ricardo Torres - First Time San Francisco Marathoner

Treated (for): Back Pain - Low, Back Pain - General

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