Adept at his practice of acupuncture
Steve Phillips is knowledgeable and adept at his practice of acupuncture. I can personally recommend his skill based on my personal experience.
I had suffered a neck injury at work and had all of the clinical signs of cervical disc impingement (pain, decreased muscle strength and loss of range of motion). After just one acupuncture session with Steve, all of these symptoms improved. I never had to take narcotic painkillers.
Steve also helped me with the nausea associated with early pregnancy. After just one session I had regained my appetite. After a few sessions, the nausea almost disappeared.
R. Arora, D.O. (Doctor of Osteopathy)
Treated (for): Testimonials from Health Professionals, Neck Pain, Nausea, Morning Sickness, Disc Herniation and Disc Degeneration
More than pain control
I have been receiving acupuncture from Steve Phillips since 2002 for pain control from having rotator cuff surgery. Before receiving acupuncture from Steve Phillips, it was difficult to do any activity without a high amount of pain. I could not care for my goats, nor could I groom, walk, or train my horses because of the tenderness. In addition, it was also impossible to go to a fitness club to exercise due to the throbbing. Since seeing Steve Phillips, I can care for my goats, work with my horses, and work out at a fitness club regularly. Not only does Steve Phillips aid in pain control, he has developed a technique to reduce scar tissue, so the surgery scars are almost unnoticeable. Steve Phillips has also treated my family members for other ailments such as sciatica, migraine headaches, and scoliosis pain. Before poisoning the body with drugs, try acupuncture first. I do.
Candy Y.
Treated (for): Shoulder Pain
Truly cares for his patients’ well being
I started going to the Acupuncture Center in September of 2007. Prior to my first treatment with Steve, I was constantly anxious. I would get attacks frequently. Sometimes I would feel like I was at the end of my rope, like I had no way to escape the way I felt. Steve listened to all of my concerns and adapted a treatment plan that made me feel safe. I feel he truly cares for his patients’ well being. On occasion I have missed a week with Steve and find that I feel much more anxious than I normally feel. Today I still treat with Steve, but I feel much more in control of how I feel. I feel hopeful for the future. One that is free of anxiety.
Treated (for): Anxiety
Relief from numbness
Over the last 10 or so years, I have experienced increasing numbness in my arms and hands while trying to sleep after extensive use of my arms, i.e., a weekend of yard work involving raking, pruning, hedge trimming, and weeding; several days of wall and trim painting, moving heavy boxes, etc. Additionally, this problem also began to occur after a few hours of typing at the computer and while driving. The numbness had become so persistent and uncomfortable that it was regularly interrupting my sleep. Upon consultation with Steve, he explained what he thought the source of the problem was and I embarked upon a series of once weekly acupuncture treatments. I felt relief from the numbness after the first treatment. This condition has continued to improve after each treatment. I am sleeping much better now, as the numbness occurs only infrequently and not enough to interrupt my sleep.
Sally O.
Treated (for): Peripheral Neuropathy, Hand Pain, Arm Pain
I felt immediately my condition getting better
I was given Steve Phillips name from the wife of a fellow kidney transplant recipient. On February 14, 2011 I was diagnosed with shingles. The initial outbreak was terrible, the blisters lasted about a month, and then came back, then blisters finally subsided by mid-March. After dealing with the itching and pain to the initial outbreak, I thought that the pain would soon diminish. It did not; I was diagnosed with Postherpetic Neuralgia, severe chronic pain in the nerve ending at the place of the initial shingle outbreak. I was told that the pain could last for months if not years. The medication that was eventually prescribed caused severe side effects that I could not deal with. I decided to give acupuncture a try, and since I had a referral from a good friend, I called Steve and had my first appointment on April 15th. Man, I am so glad I did.
I felt immediately my condition getting better, the pain was not as severe and I had recovered some sensory perception that was lost as result of the shingles outbreak. The following week I had my second treatment. Wow, unbelievable would best describe how much better I felt. Before the treatment my pain could be rated 9.5 (on a 1-10 scale). After the second treatment that dropped dramatically to 5, the third treatment I did not get quite the bump but it was about 3.5 After the 4th treatment, I was just about pain free at about 1.5 heading to zero, as I write this testimonial, I am at less than 1. I expect to be pain free within the next day or so.
I cannot thank Steve enough; it feels so good to be pain free after 3 months of suffering, sometimes to the point of tears. I don’t know why it worked, but it works. You can’t put a price on good health. I strongly recommend Steve Phillip’s Acupuncture service, and if needed, I will definitely be a return patient.
Thank you Steve, and God Bless you. You’re the best.
Bill Benson
Treated (for): Shingles, Postherpetic Neuralgia
In desperation tried acupuncture
I was in a major motor vehicle accident in 1996. A car t-boned the side of my car at 45 miles per hour. I had a punctured lung, hemorrhaged spleen, 7 broken ribs, broken collar bone, shattered pelvis and a multi-broken and cracked tail bone. I was in ICU at UCD Med Center for approximately two weeks.
Once I returned home, I was dealing with a lot of pain. I was not able to sleep at all. I had problems with any movement and with so many ribs broken, it hurt to breathe. Recovery was slow and the pain medication was causing stomach problems and lethargy. I was eventually using crutches and struggled through physical therapy (which I viewed as torture).
After about six months of pain and suffering, the medical profession discovered my ribs were not healed. My ribs were flailing in my chest. This was causing scraping and tearing every time I moved or took a breath. Having flailing ribs for so long also caused a lot of scar tissue. I had been in a substantial amount of misery for a long time and it was taking a toll on me. At this point, I started falling into a deep depression, exhaustion and desperation. The drugs the doctors were prescribing were causing more problems than they were solving.
I then in desperation tried acupuncture. My first treatment was a huge relief of pain and the depression and the heavy feeling I had across my chest was improved by at least 30%. I continued with treatments for the next several months with continuous relief.
Steve Phillips has been the best acupuncturist I have ever used. I still have the pain in my chest when I breathe. It is a difficult pain to manage because it is related to breathing and so chronic. My ribs finally healed about 1/2″ apart. This abnormal healing has caused chronic misalignment of my neck and back. To deal with the pain, I try to have a treatment with Steve about every two weeks. I find that if I go more than 3 weeks without a treatment, the pain level starts to rise higher and I start using more medication. As soon as I use more medications, I start having stomach and digestive problems. Then I start having sleeping problems followed by exhaustion and depression.
Steve has been critical to the survival of my quality of life. The pain management treatments are a necessary part of maintaining health for me. When you think about it, why would acupuncture survive unless it worked. It is against human nature to let someone put needles in your body and lay still for 20 minutes. Although it is not painful, it is not something a person would do unless it worked!
For me, acupuncture has become an answer to a chronic pain issue with no side effects.
Dorothy A.
Treated (for): Rib Pain, Pain Management, Chest Pain, Back Pain - Upper, Back Pain - Middle, Back Pain - General, Auto Accident
I feel hopeful that I will regain my full mobility
Over the past 3 months I’ve come to believe that Steve Phillips works magic with his tiny acupuncture needles! I didn’t think that I would ever find the relief that I’m experiencing now.
My story is a common one in which my low back pain and sciatica continued to worsen year after year despite my best efforts. Each attempt met with more pain and frustration. I sought medical intervention and was seen by several very kind Physical Therapists, given medication and eventually referred to Kaiser’s Pain Clinic. I was offered a procedure that would destroy the nerves near my problem joints, but may only be temporary and the nerves might reconnect in different pathways. I wanted to explore a less invasive procedure but wasn’t optimistic since I had tried 4 years of Pilates and many, many years of Yoga. I remained active and modified my exercise from running to walking yet my mobility decreased and my pain increased. Walking was painful, sitting in a car for more than 20 minutes caused severe pain. My life became constricted and less joyful. The fear that I would continue this downhill spiral frightened me.
I asked the Pain Clinic about acupuncture and was referred to Steve. He is a caring professional who inspires confidence and trust. After 5 sessions I had 2 days pain free and was amazed… I’d forgotten what that felt like. After working with Steve for several months my former life is returning to me. I feel hopeful that I will regain my full mobility and again enjoy my Yoga classes and long walks. Today it is the occasional flare-ups that surprise me, not the absence of pain. I feel very fortunate to have been referred to Steve Phillips. His self-confidence is reassuring and his skills are incredible.
Robin McKnight, PhD
Treated (for): Testimonials from Health Professionals, Sciatica, Disc Herniation and Disc Degeneration, Back Pain - Low
Immediate relief after the first treatment
After suffering for more than 10 years with painful plantar fasciitis and traditional treatments that addressed the symptoms for short-term periods, I began searching for alternative treatments. At this point I was taking high dosages of painkillers daily and was concerned about the long-term detriment to my overall health, and really not achieving much relief, so I felt I had nothing to lose by trying acupuncture.
After enduring the years of splinting, icing, heating, muscle relaxants, painkillers, shots, and other ineffective treatments standard medicine had to offer, my expectations for any results were not high. However, I felt an immediate relief after the first treatment, and within one week, I was no longer taking painkillers at all. My feet, which had been swollen and painful to the touch, were hardly swollen and could tolerate pressure. I was feeling better physically overall, and had been able to take a walk around my neighborhood, without subsequently icing and raising my feet for hours afterward.
The results after three treatments are nothing short of amazing, as the pain is almost completely gone and I can participate in activities that require walking or standing, which I would have avoided previously. I can’t explain how it works, and I don’t know why it worked, but it did, and I would recommend Steve Phillips without reservation to anyone dealing with muscular, skeletal, or chronic pain.
Thank you!
Anna Marie
Treated (for): Plantar Fasciitis, Pain Management, Foot Pain
A convert for acupuncture!!!
I want to say that I was skeptical about acupuncture at first. I’d been in medical training where we had to practice injections on our classmates, and I don’t mind telling you that it hurt sometimes. The idea of putting needles in me all over the body was not what I was looking forward to.
I received a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia years ago and work with constant aching pain all over the body with this there are daily headaches for me. Then recently I was diagnosed with bilateral hip arthritis and bursitis and had trouble walking. This last diagnosis was the final straw for me and I called Steve in desperation. After about 6 treatments, I am walking well (unless I sit too long but it’s not as long to get up as it was). The Fibromyalgia pain has lessened and the flairs that I have had are not as bad nor last as long as they did before. AND I now have the occasional headache that lasts for a day maybe and is easily treated with a Tylenol or aspirin. (before these OTCs would just take the edge of the pain away). The intensity being less than 1/2 of the original headaches.
I am definitely a convert for acupuncture!!! Thank You Steve for showing me what it can do.
Steve, I hope this is what you were looking for! and the best thing… it’s all the truth.
Karen Goldsmith, C.M.T.
Treated (for): Well Being, Testimonials from Health Professionals, Pain Management, Hip Pain, Headaches, Fibromyalgia, Bursitis, Arthritis
Acupuncture has and is improving my life
p>IBS no longer controls my life! After 15 years of ever increasing medication, IBS still dictated what, when and if I could function. Acupuncture has and is improving my life. Three sessions hinted at relief. Six sessions allowed me to begin dropping off medication. And now? No longer trapped, free to leave the house any time, travel, play. All freedom and joy. Hurrah for acupuncture!
Treated (for): Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Digestive Disorders
Promising results
On an early spring day of this year my neighbor noticed that I was very distressed with a serious sinus infection (for over 45 days of missed work) and suggested I see Steve Phillips as he’d helped him with a long running chronic sinus infection. This turned out to be great and welcome advice. After only 3 visits with acupuncture and herb treatments I was cured and back to work. Thanks Steve
P.S. I’m so happy with Steve’s work that I’m now having him treat my low back pain with promising results.
Keith P.
Treated (for): Sinusitis, Back Pain - General
Dear Steve
Dear Steve,
I would like to thank you for all of your wonderful knowledge and expertise in your practice of acupuncture over these years. As you know I came to you with a debilitating back injury. The treatments you gave to me cured it completely to this day. I have followed your advice with the Chinese Herbs also and they have proven to be of great help with the other minor ailments I have and you are also helping me overcome these also with acupuncture. I am a true believer and tell my friends and acquaintances about your practice. I like the approach you have of having a periodic tune up over time to stay healthy. This has been of a great help also.
I have suffered from back pain for many years. I was recently diagnosed with arthritis in my back. Also have neuropathy from chemotherapy. Since previous treatments didn’t seem to help, I decided to try acupuncture. After a few treatments with Steve, I began to feel better. I continued to see him and over a 6 week period, my back pain and neuropathy has significantly diminished; I have more energy and a more positive outlook toward my health and well being. I not only like Steve’s holistic approach, but his great sense of humor makes sessions enjoyable. I am not extremely fond of needles, but the treatments have been immensely beneficial and so I look forward to my treatments! Thanks Steve!Also I have appreciated our friendship over the years and your interest and help of me staying healthy.
I wish you the best in your practice as you are a true healer.
Keary B.
Treated (for): General Health, Energy Enhancement and Energy Balancing, Back Pain - Upper, Back Pain - Middle, Back Pain - General
Helped me to feel better
I have been a patient of Steve Phillips for 16 years. His treatments have helped me to feel better so many times it’s difficult to remember the different problems I have had that he has helped me with.
I had been having problem with sinus headaches, one side of my head always hurt more than the other. The regular doctor gave me many medications, some would help but when the dosage was gone the pain would come back.
I was tired of taking so many antibiotics when a friend suggested I should try acupuncture with Steve. I did so and received the most relief from pain I had in months. I was so happy with the outcome and could hardly believe it.
I moved to Stimson Beach and was there for five years. The climate was so much better for me. However, I still received acupuncture treatments.
Due to other health problems, I returned to Sacramento to be close to my daughter and her family. After about six months, I started having sinus pain and my doctor wanted to start with the antibiotics again. I am once more receiving treatments and getting great results.
I would suggest anyone having pain should give acupuncture a try. I’m sure you will be happy with the outcome.
Betty G.
Treated (for): Sinusitis, Sinus Headaches, Hay Fever, Allergic Rhinitis
Reduced and stabilized my pain levels
I have experienced significant back pain during the past 8 years. I have utilized physical therapy, Chiropractic and physician-instigated interventions. All produced limited results. About six years ago, during an internet search, I happened upon Steve Phillips, Acupuncturist. Since my first visit, I began to experience reduction of my nearly constant pain. His treatments have substantially reduced and stabilized my pain levels, which allows me to function in nearly all areas of my life. Steve is professional, competent and listens well. I plan to continue treatment with Steve and fully expect to continue to make gains in my pain management.
Gary Mackelburg, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist
Treated (for): Testimonials from Health Professionals, Back Pain - Low, Back Pain - General
Instant relief
My name is Eric. I injured my back in a work related injury in 1989. From 1989 to 2004, I was in continuous back and neck pain. I tried physical therapy, medications, chiropractic treatment, but nothing seemed to work. In 2004 I heard about Steve Phillips Acupuncture Clinic and decided to give it a try. After the first treatment I felt instant relief. I could not believe that after two more more treatments, I did not experience any more pain in my back and neck for over a year. In my time off work, I help coach high school baseball. I’ve been so impressed with Steve Phillips’ Acupuncture Clinic, I have recommended several athletes and their parents, as well as co-workers. Not one of my recommendations have come back with negative results. I would recommend Steve Phillips to any one who has physical ailments.
Eric C.
Treated (for): Sports Injuries, Neck Pain, Back Pain - General
The world looks like a brighter place without pain
I have been having problems with sinus headaches for a long time. The pressure would be unbearable. A friend suggested that I try Acupuncture. I was amazed… Acupuncture cleared the pressure after a few treatments. It has been the most relief I have from this condition without drugs. The world looks like a brighter place without pain… I can’t thank Steve Phillips and the Acupuncture Clinic enough.
Treated (for): Headaches, Hay Fever
Without acupuncture, I would be unable to work—or play!
Hi Steve
Thank you for improving the quality of my life. I have a bulging disc, and without acupuncture, I would be unable to work—or play! The improvement in my neck is miraculous. I was skeptical at first but no longer. You provide a valuable tool for health and well being. Thank you again.
Charlotte S.
Treated (for): Neck Pain, Disc Herniation and Disc Degeneration
Improved tremendously!
I have struggled with plantar fasciitis for over 10 years. The pain has progressively increased over the years and has limited my physical activity. I have tried shoe orthotics, steroid injections, massage and decreasing my activities to curb my pain. None of the treatments that I tried in the past relieved the pain I endured everyday. After receiving four treatments of acupuncture, I have improved tremendously! I have been able to enjoy playing tennis and walking again. I have also been able to run with my dog and the pain is diminishing everyday. I am extremely satisfied with the amount of success that I have received and continue to see improvements with each treatment.
Sonia B.
Sonia B.
Treated (for): Plantar Fasciitis, Foot Pain
My “Restless Leg Syndrome” symptoms seemed to have disappeared!
I first came to see Steve Phillips on the recommendations of two friends, unknown to each other. Since they both had great success with his treatments, I was willing to try it. There were several symptoms I hoped he could help me with. After just a couple of visits I was very pleasantly surprised that my “Restless Leg Syndrome” symptoms seemed to have disappeared! I am able to relax in the evening without that very irritating, restless discomfort, and I sleep so much better! We are still working on some of the other problems I have, but I have high hopes that, with time, I will have relief from those as well. I highly recommend Steve’s treatments to all my friends now!
Renae T.
Treated (for): Restless Leg Syndrome
Improvement in both ears
My name is Bertha P. I was losing my hearing in both ears, worst on my left ear. After 8 acupuncture treatments by Dr. Steve Phillips, I am noticing an improvement in both ears.
Bertha P.
Treated (for): Hearing Loss and Tinnitis
The only option offered to me from my primary care physician was surgery
For the past three years I have suffered with carpal tunnel syndrome. It wasn’t bad at first, but then, I began to have numbness all the time and, at night, I had severe pain even though I was wearing splints on both hands. The pain sometimes kept me up for two hours. I was tired all the time and something needed to be done. The only option offered to me from my primary care physician was surgery which I did not want to have. (I have had Type I diabetes for 56 years and surgery is not something I want at this time of my life.) After telling a friend about my predicament, she suggested that I try acupuncture with Steve Phillips. Her daughter had the same problem and acupuncture had cured her carpal tunnel syndrome. I made an appointment with Steve. Steve is a very knowledgeable person and it is a pleasure to work with him. After just a few treatments, I noticed that my condition improved immensely. Now, I haven’t had any numbness or nighttime pain for several weeks. I highly recommend Steve and his acupuncture treatments. They work!
Nancy Bukowski, RN
Treated (for): Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Near death auto accident
I had a near death auto accident 4/20/08. My rib cage was all broken up, L. clavicle and L. Knee fractured. Went through jaw of life, life flight, ER, ICU, hospital stays, nursing home, PT rehab and home care. After 6 months, I went back to work on limited time schedule. For all that, I am grateful to the conventional medicine.
But I was still on the pain medicine by the end of the year. Progress is slow. Pain was real. It was always winter and never Christmas, until my dear HMO gave me permission of 6 appointments with Dr. Steve Phillips.
Before the first appointment, I was scared about needles of any kind. And I was not sure if a Caucasian American knows enough to help me with a Chinese TCM technique. I procrastinated about calling for the first appointment. By the end of January, my pain got worse and then I saw the web site on the testimonials. Many of the testimonials are from health care professionals.
After that it is history. The first session got me off the pain medicine the same day. I thank God for His mysterious way. I am a Professional Engineer. I was trained to be analytical, question and doubt. But like faith, my journey is only proven by my own first hand experience. I am here to testify Dr Steve Phillips helps me through a high mountain of my life. And I thank God for his service.
David Choi, July 30, 2009
Treated (for): Rib Pain, Knee Pain, Chest Pain, Auto Accident
I recommend this highly skilled medical professional
In March 2006 a head doctor of a specialty clinic of a HMO referred me to Steve Phillips for monthly acupuncture treatments. For some years, I’ve had deteriorating degenerative disc disease that causes pain and stiffness. Over a period of some 20 years I have had a condition called IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) that causes spasms and abdominal discomfort. Acupuncturist Steve Phillips’ treatments have greatly reduced these two physical conditions so that I am able to participate in gym workouts, play the piano, and continue the routine of everyday living. I am greatly indebted to Steve Phillips for the benefits I have received from his monthly treatments, and recommend this highly skilled medical professional to all those in need of pain relief and/or discomfort in everyday life.
Swami H., age 65-70
Treated (for): Pain Management, Neck Pain, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Disc Herniation and Disc Degeneration, Digestive Disorders, Back Pain - Low, Back Pain - General
The pain disappeared
Over the past several years, I experienced continual pain in my hands from arthritis in my thumbs and two “trigger fingers” on each hand. The medical term for this is stenosing tenosynovitis and it causes the fingers to lock up when flexing. I tried cortisone shots with no relief and surgery was the next step. I was resigned to living with pain until my husband suggested I try acupuncture. After a couple of months of weekly visits with Steve, the fingers no longer triggered and the pain in my thumbs disappeared. I am now a strong advocate of acupuncture.
Pat B.
Treated (for): Trigger Finger, Stenosing Tenosynovitis, Pain Management, Hand Pain, Arthritis
I have a new zest for life
To: Dr. Steve Phillips
This is an appreciation letter.
I have had a pain in both knees and both of the bottom of my feet. My two feet was numbing I can barely walk, I see the orthopedic so many times, he helped me with my pain, but I still had a stiffness with my knees and the bottom of my feet. After that I talk to a woman, she asked me if I see acupuncturist, I told her no, and she encourage me to go. And I found your name in the yellow page. After I visited you three days I already feel good. What a blessing to have you as my Dr! Right now I feel great and alive again and I have a new zest for life. You saved my life. Now I can walk as much as I want. God bless you and keep you well.
Treated (for): Peripheral Neuropathy, Knee Pain
Bell’s palsy on the right side of my face
Just before Christmas holidays, 2015, I came down with a mild-moderate case of Bell’s palsy on the right side of my face. After researching online, I found that acupuncture sometimes helped with Bell’s palsy complete recovery if started fairly early and at least twice a week. I had never had this type of treatment before so didn’t know what to expect. After trying my first treatment by another acupuncturist in downtown Sac., I felt maybe I could do better and wanted to compare. I found Steve Phillips online and on Facebook. After just one phone conversation with Steve Phillips, I believed his treatment style would be a better match for me. I ended up going for several weeks, twice a week, to Steve. His treatment method seemed far superior and more complete than the first one I had elsewhere.
After each treatment, I experienced enhanced tingling on the right side of my face, which was a good sign that the nerves were starting to heal. Within three-four weeks, my right side looked much more symmetrical again with the left side. I stopped treatments after about 4 weeks and let the rest of the healing take place on its own, which it eventually did.
I do believe the treatments Steve Phillips provided were beneficial to the prompt and complete recovery of my Bell’s palsy. Steve took his time and was very careful in his placement of the needles on my face. The needle placement was not painful and I never felt rushed or stressed during any of my sessions. He has a very pleasant personality and I would feel comfortable and confident recommending him to anyone with Bell’s palsy or pain. In fact, I have already recommended him to someone who has back pain. I would go back to Steve for continued treatment of my own neck, and back pain, and would try acupuncture for knee pain in the future.
Lily C. - Granite Bay, CA
Treated (for): Bell's Palsy
Noticed a big difference
I have had acne my whole life, and in the process, have seen numerous dermatologists who have prescribed Tetracycline, Retin A, and other topical solutions. My acne would always come back, there would always be some left over, but I had given up over years of treatment. In the process of being very stressed out, having acne breakouts, and being over the age of 30, I decided to go with Acupuncture. The treatment with Steve Phillips was a combo for stress and acne with Chinese herbs. My acne has totally cleared and I noticed improvements in stress reduction. After the third treatment I had noticed a big difference in my stress level and had made an emotional breakthrough in my personal life.
I am so happy to have made the decision to try Acupuncture. Thank you Steve!
Treated (for): Stress Management, Dermatological (Skin) Disorders, Acne
Trigger Point Specialist Extraordinaire
Trigger Point Specialist Extraordinaire is how I think of Steve Phillips. My first visit to the Acupuncture Clinic brought relief. I had been off from work for nearly three months with muscle strain/tendon pain in my forearms. Virtually complete rest of the forearms was the prescription for curing this problem and although helpful did not get me to the point of returning to work. Since I am in front of a computer all day I could not do my job or much of anything else that required use of my forearms, which is just about anything. I discovered through Steve there are trigger points in the forearms and once the trigger points are targeted, the acupuncture does its magic. I was so very happy to return to work and I truly attribute this to finding this miraculous treatment and the very kind and caring specialist who administers the care. Thank you so very much, Steve.
Treated (for): Tennis Elbow, Elbow Pain, Arm Pain
Tremendous improvement in my life
I have been attending acupuncture sessions with Steve Phillips for about a year to combat my frequent headaches. Steve’s treatment has been very successful — to the point where I only experience headaches very infrequently. This has made a tremendous improvement in my life. I feel more alert, smarter and I’m able to enjoy life more since I’m not in so much pain. Thanks Steve for doing what doctors couldn’t!
Treated (for): Headaches
Acupuncture helps to keep my body balanced
I’ve been going to Dr. Steve Phillips for approximately ten years. I had a car accident approximately 15 years ago, when I got hit by a eighteen wheeler truck. My lower back goes out and my body is headed into two different directions. Dr. Steve Phillips, a good chiropractic adjustment and a day off work, I am back to standing up erect without any pains or discomforts. Acupuncture helps to keep my body balanced and less stressed when my lower back is happy. I highly recommend Dr. Phillips for any of your body pains or discomforts.
Dr. C. J. Middleton, MS, D.C. Animal Chiropractor and Healer
Treated (for): Testimonials from Health Professionals, Back Pain - General, Auto Accident
Made me not want to eat all the greasy foods
Acupuncture has been great for me. It made me not want to eat all the greasy foods. It has also suppressed my appetite.
Treated (for): Appetite Suppression
Thank you for the acupuncture treatments
Dear Steve,
Thank you for the acupuncture treatments. You have not only helped me with the treatments for the pain in my back and neck, but for the T.M.J. and inner ear.
Thanks Steve
Fran B.
Treated (for): Temporomandibular Joint Pain (TMJ/TMD), Back Pain - Upper, Back Pain - General
So much better
After a year of life-altering neck pain and migraines caused by herniated discs, which was never helped by months of physical therapy or anti-inflammatories, I felt desperate. My family was planning a week long vacation (to Disneyland) over Thanksgiving week and I couldn’t bear the thought of being in pain the entire time. So I researched the internet until I found Steve Phillips and gave him a call. He was able to get me in within a few days. By the time I went for the first time, I had no motion and constant pain, not to mention I came down with the head cold of a lifetime. When I arrived for my first appointment I was a mess. Steve treated my neck as well as offered to clear up my head. I was very skeptical about acupuncture but figured I had nothing to lose. Within minutes on the ride home, I had full motion of my neck and no pain! And my sinuses cleared. It was amazing. I had a couple more treatments before leaving for vacation and I was amazed that I had absolutely no pain during the entire trip. Not only that but I went on every single ride with my kids (including the Matterhorn) and never felt a twinge of pain or stiffness. Now I never have to take pain medicine and I have had a major reduction in the number of migraines I get. My neck pain is so much better and when it does get aggravated, the next treatment clears it again. It’s amazing.
Victoria Micheels
Treated (for): Neck Pain, Migraine and Tension Headaches, Headaches, Disc Herniation and Disc Degeneration
Fallen in love with acupuncture!
I found Steve on the Internet. I had a recommendation for another acupuncturist but I had a strong feeling about going to Steve’s clinic. I was impressed by his training and long time in service. It’s been a great choice.
I decided to come in and have a few treatments for a diagnosis a doctor had given me. I didn’t know what to expect with a few sessions lined up but I’ve since fallen in love with acupuncture! I’ve been amazed at how much energy moves through your body with these treatments. It has calmed me down inside and helped me get out of my own way for my body to heal and my mind to open up to new information. It’s been spiritual as well as a body healing.
Steve listens to you needs and is very good at what he is doing. This will give anyone comfort when they go there.
Love it!
Susan G.
Treated (for): Relaxation, General Health, Energy Enhancement and Energy Balancing
I pushed for a referral for acupuncture
Here it goes: In 2005 I injured my hip badly in a boat incident. I had tremendous pain and could not sleep on my right side at all. For a year I pursued the conventional medical treatment, took pain medication, did physical therapy and exercise. Also there was never a definitive diagnosis. This treatment produced no results. After about 10 months I was very discouraged and concerned that this would become a chronic injury that I would just have to endure. But being a social worker caused me to continue to seek out treatment and advocate for myself. I pushed for a referral for acupuncture and was able get a consult with Steve Phillips. Steve made a preliminary diagnosis of a deep hip bone bruise and I began treatment. With 3 to 4 sessions, there was a definite shift in pain and my ability to lay on my side again. After about 3 months, the improvement progressed to the point that I can now sleep through the night on that side, I have only slight pain when I get fatigued. I continue to see Steve once a month for maintenance.
Steve is very knowledgeable and very professional. I would recommend his expertise to anyone.
Nancy White, LCSW
Treated (for): Testimonials from Health Professionals, Hip Pain
Acupuncture treatments have helped me go and do things I want to do
I’m so happy. As an 81 year-old senior lady, I finally can get around without so much pain in my back. Dr. Steve Phillips’ acupuncture treatments have helped me so I can go and do things I want to do. Thanks so much.
Shirley Hernandez
Treated (for): Back Pain - Upper, Back Pain - Middle, Back Pain - Low, Back Pain - General
No longer have seasonal allergies
I started seeing Steve Phillips about ten years ago at which time he treated me for various symptoms including general well-being. As a result of the general well-being treatment and some more specific treatment for allergies, I no longer take Allegra and no longer have any seasonal allergies.
Paul S.
Treated (for): Well Being, General Health, Allergies, Allergic Rhinitis
I have always remained pain free
I originally met Steve Phillips in 1992. That was also my first introduction to acupuncture. Steve very successfully treated me for TMJ in my jaw. I investigated acupuncture as an alternative to surgery on my jaw at the suggestion of a good friend. It is now 2008 and although at stressful times I get tense and have a popping in my jaw, I have always remained pain free after my acupuncture treatments many years ago.
At the time that I was first introduced to acupuncture I owned a large retail music store and interacted on a daily basis with many musicians. I referred many musician friends and employees to Steve that were suffering from repetitive motion related injuries. I know many of my referrals lead to successful treatment through acupuncture.
Gail T.
Treated (for): Temporomandibular Joint Pain (TMJ/TMD)
I always feel better after his treatments
I have been seeing Steve Phillips for Acupuncture since he moved to this area in 1991. His treatments always help me feel more balanced and energized. Steve has helped me at times after various injuries and I always feel better after his treatments. I would recommend him to anyone.
James Mally, N.D.
Treated (for): Testimonials from Health Professionals, Sports Injuries, General Health, Energy Enhancement and Energy Balancing
Kind healing help
Dear Steve,
Thank you so very much for your kind healing help on using acupuncture on my poor little thumbs’ area (tendonitis). The pain has at least gone. My left thumb area is now doing fine. But of course I’m right-handed so the thumb area on the right is not completely well. But we tried! And the stress release treatment that you had also done for me has been absolutely great! I’d always looked forward to it. I even fell asleep a few times–and that doesn’t happen to me! And one more thank you–and that is relieving the pain in the sciatica area. At least I could apply pressure when standing and walking was not so painful! And that was with one treatment! I will surely come to you again when there is a need! Thank you for your kind help. I will of course recommend any one that needs help to you—you have been so helpful.
Treated (for): Stress Management, Sciatica, Hand Pain
Severe arm and shoulder pain
I had severe arm and shoulder pain. I am rarely slowed or stopped by pain, I usually can work through it. Working through this pain was not going to happen. I could not get away from it. It was interfering with my ability to do my job. I am the Financial Director of small social services nonprofit and my job puts me in front of a computer all day. The pain was so bad I could hardly move my arm and I was having problems lifting my arm to type. All this happened in the middle of our annual audit. I started looking for alternative treatments because I just could not work and take pain medicine and I needed to work and provide the information required by the auditor. I fully committed to treatment with Steve and within four visits my pain slowing decreased until now I rarely have any pain in my arm or my shoulder. Steve recommended that we do several more visits to make sure that everything is completely gone. Thank you Steve, great job!
KathyTreated (for): Shoulder Pain, Pain Management, Arm Pain
Has a deep knowledge and very good skills
February 3, 2013
A letter of reference from Lilia Brossova, M.D. for my therapist Steve Phillips, M.A., L.Ac.
I am Steve Phillips’ patient starting from April 2012, doing treatments regularly, twice a month, since then to present. I started treatments with him right after I moved from Tucson, Arizona. I was looking for a therapist prior to my move to Sacramento because I needed continuous supportive care for my severe back injury. It was very hard, being still in Tucson, to find a good therapist without knowing anyone in Sacramento, but when I started calling to acupuncturists, many of them, after learning about my medical condition immediately recommended me Steve Phillips as the best therapist for my condition. When I called him I was very impressed with his very compassionate and professional manner of talking to me as a prospective new patient, ready to accept me right away when I moved to Sacramento, reassuring me with true empathy, welcoming me to come for the first treatment whenever I need to.
Since then every time I come for the treatment I can’t help admiring Steve Phillips’ very calm, kind attitude, sincerely cheerful and compassionate way of talking to me and other patients. Being a doctor of medicine myself I also couldn’t help noticing that even though he is always busy and has a few patients in the office simultaneously, he always finds time to greet you with a smile and makes sure you are comfortable while waiting for the treatment. I also admire how he manages to keep his office always clean, quiet and comfortably warm in the winter and cool in the summer for his patients’ comfort. He works with needles, and again as a medical professional, I noticed that all shelves and tables look very clean and all rooms have special containers for used needles, which is extremely important for any patient to feel safe and comfortable.
Steve Phillips checks on patients in the most caring way to make sure they are alright. He is always ready to accommodate to patients’ schedule needs and makes schedule changes very willingly and happily.
He definitely has a deep knowledge and very good skills to understand and treat my condition and his treatments are always helpful and give me relief each time. I heard the same about his treatments from other patients while talking to them in the waiting room. I move around in his office with a four-wheels walker, he personally makes sure that I can comfortably walk through the doors and moves chairs for me to help me have space in the room to be comfortable. I also admire his dedication to his patients, he is very focused on the treatment and very politely keeps my attention on the treatment so that he can have my feedback for the best results. He always makes an effort to give the best possible treatment and does not get distracted, stays focused on the treatment each time.
While waiting for the treatment in the waiting room, each time I admire his way of talking to his patients on the phone in the most friendly manner, changing appointments for their needs very willingly, and welcoming inquiring prospective new patients in a very compassionate, warm way.
I am totally disabled and I arrive to Steve Phillips office on a special ParaTransit bus each time way too early for my appointment and also after the treatment I have to wait most times for up to one hour for the bus to come and pick me up. Steve Phillips always reassures me that that is fine with him and he even goes an extra mile to offer me a spare room so I can relieve my constant strong back pain by laying down while I am waiting for my bus. I am very grateful for his hard work with me and I feel lucky to be his patient. I would recommend Steve Phillips to anyone who needs medical attention from a professional of his specialty.
Lilia Brossova, M.D.
Treated (for): Testimonials from Health Professionals, Sciatica, Back Pain - Low
Has done wonders for my back
It is with pleasure that I am writing this testimonial regarding Steve Phillips. I have known him for several years and have come to respect
him greatly.
He has done wonders for my back that had been injured years ago in a car accident. He has also helped my osteoarthritis. Steve has proven to be good at everything he tackles.
I can honestly say that Steve is the best acupuncturist I have ever met. Being a nutritionist and having been all over the world, I have come in contact with many in this field. His great knowledge has come from studying abroad in other countries, including China.
Steve is well versed in bodily ailments as well as supplements and other herbal solutions.
For anyone seeking help in the field of acupuncture and herbal medicine, Steve would be the number one choice.
Lois W., age 91
Treated (for): Well Being, Pain Management, General Health, Back Pain - Low, Back Pain - General, Arthritis
I hurt my back
I have had back pain off and on for most of my adult life. Over the last 5 years I have had an increase of the baseline pain level but with Yoga and Chiropractic help I thought I had become stronger and felt my back was in better shape than ever before. Then it happened… I hurt my back and this time I was unable to get pain relief by doing the usual things I had done in the past to get back to my baseline. After 6 mos of significant pain and frustration I turned to Acupuncture and not only was I able to get back to my baseline pain level within a few weeks I was able to figure out what muscles were really causing my back pain. I also have painful trigger points in these muscles which Steve Phillips has been able to identify and treat very effectively. I am now back to playing golf and am able to operate pretty much like I was before this last episode of back pain.
I appreciate all that Steve Phillips has done to help my back.
Deepak D. Chabra M.D.
Treated (for): Testimonials from Health Professionals, Back Pain - Low, Back Pain - General
Positive results
I first saw Steve Phillips for acupuncture treatments in 2004. I was experiencing headaches and nausea from subdural hematomas. The sessions helped to lessen these symptoms. Over the past few years I have undergone acupuncture treatments for a variety of conditions such as anxiety, pain in my knees, my shoulder and a sinus condition. All of these sessions have given positive results. I presently continue with the acupuncture sessions to maintain good health and a sense of well-being.
K.A., Female age 55-60
Treated (for): Well Being, Shoulder Pain, Knee Pain, Headaches, Hay Fever, General Health, Anxiety, Allergies, Allergic Rhinitis
I appreciate the technique of Acupuncture
Because I’m a Neuroscientist (retired), I appreciate the technique of Acupuncture, and know there is a good scientific basis for its success in blocking pain.
I went to Steve for acute lower back pain, and was well and golfing again within a week of a single treatment.
While I was in the office, I noticed a pamphlet about the use of Acupuncture as an alternative to face-lift surgery. I have now been going in for approximately weekly sessions, and after 6 weeks, my friends are looking at me with an unspoken question “What are you doing?” and saying “you look great”. Several people haven’t recognized me when I approached them at events, and I do believe it’s working to lessen lines and tighten up the flesh, over my cheeks especially. I think this is a great alternative to cosmetic surgery, and if Steve thinks it would work on someone’s skin, I would highly recommend giving it a try. I understand it doesn’t work for everyone, but I’m really pleased with the results on my face.
DWG, Ph.D.
Treated (for): Cosmetic Acupuncture, Back Pain - General
Skilled acupuncture treatments
It was a fortunate day for me when a friend directed me to Steve Phillips’ practice of acupuncture. Now I, in turn, can highly recommend him to others. I suffer from lower back pain and am so grateful for the relief I experience from the skilled acupuncture treatments provided by Steve.
Mary C.
Treated (for): Back Pain - General
Improved immunity
I began seeing the acupuncturist, Steve Phillips, at the Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine Clinic on June 8, 2009. I had just finished a course of antibiotics for a bronchial infection and I also had stabbing pain (from neuralgia) behind my left ear. After one treatment of acupuncture the pain behind my ear was gone!
I had blood drawn before I began acupuncture and after only four treatments, the following values are the results:
Before RX: May 29, 2009 | After 4 RXs: June 25, 2009 |
White cell count(WBC): 3.2 thousand per UL (out of range) | WBC: 6.1 thousand per UL (it doubled) |
Lymphocytes: 672 cells per mcL (out of range) | Lymphocytes: 2135 cells per mcL (it more than tripled) |
Platelet count: 105 thousands per UL (out of range) | Platelet count: 164 thousand per UL (increased by 59 cells/UL) |
My immunity and well-being have greatly increased.
Karen J. Wong, PT
Treated (for): Well Being, Testimonials from Health Professionals, Immune System Strengthening
His experience and expertise led to an acupuncture method that was highly effective
A nagging hip-flexor injury had made lifting weights very uncomfortable for me. I tried a number of different treatment options, but none were successful until I visited Steve Phillips. His experience and expertise led to an acupuncture method that was highly effective. Shortly after my visit to Steve’s clinic, I was able to resume my weight-training program without experiencing any pain. Needless to say, I was tremendously pleased!
John L.
Treated (for): Sports Injuries, Hip Pain
A very calming experience!
My experience with Steve at the acupuncture clinic has been very positive. On the advice of a friend I sought out an acupuncturist for the treatment of anxiety as well as insomnia. Each session, along with being extremely calming in and of itself, has contributed to what I’ve noticed has been a real decline in my anxiety and an increase in my ability to sleep well and through the night. I’m so pleased with the results and I definitely recommend it to others with anxiety and insomnia. And as a side note to those who may be anxious about just receiving acupuncture, relax! It’s a very calming experience!
Treated (for): Well Being, Relaxation, Insomnia, Anxiety
The awesome curative power of acupuncture
I used to suffer terribly from a condition called trigeminal neuralgia until I went to Steve Phillips, acupuncturist. I wish I would have gone to his clinic sooner. Doing so would have saved me suffering financially and physically. I went to several medical doctors for relief which ultimately I never achieved. Now that I have first hand felt the awesome curative power of acupuncture, I recommend it to all that it should be the first line of treatment to be sought. When I consider the psychological and financial implications of acupuncture, it causes me to want to shout from the rooftops, “Why isn’t this medicine mainstream?!” Don’t wait like I did, get acupuncture for your ailments today!
A greatly appreciative patient,
Kristoffer J.
Treated (for): Trigeminal Neuralgia, Facial Pain
I decided to ask for acupuncture treatments
Steve, here is my story.
I suffer from a nine year old back injury and have been going through traditional treatment with various doctors. Physical therapy was a way of life for me during the first four of those years. It got me back on my feet and living a fairly normal life again. Needless to say, drugs were prescribed quite heavily. I’ve taken an enormous amount of them.
In the last year or so my level of pain was really getting out of control again and I was losing the muscle mass in my right leg. I fell numerous times because my leg would not support me anymore – I just couldn’t trust it! The back and leg pain was such that it was difficult to even sit on the toilet. I was miserable!
I decided to ask for acupuncture treatments. I was skeptical but I had tried most everything else. That’s when I met Steve Phillips. In the first five treatments the strength was returning to my leg and the pain level was decreasing. I can even sit and enjoy my morning constitutional again. I no longer worry about falling down, I’ve cut back on the drugs, and life is getting more enjoyable. Thanks Steve! Thanks for the professional treatment and your easy and caring manner.
Bob D.
Treated (for): Sciatica, Disc Herniation and Disc Degeneration, Back Pain - General
“Try him and see for yourself!”
I am a 76 year old man, and have had back problems and sciatica most of my life. I was a baker for 40 years and have been cutting firewood for 34 years. Pain pills do help relieve the pain, but hinder other skills, like driving. Acupuncture with Steve Phillips has helped me to do things I normally could not do.
What I really like about Steve Phillips is that he really listens to my problem and then does the best he knows how to take care of it. All I can say is, “Try him and see for yourself!
Manny B.
Treated (for): Sciatica, Back Pain - General
I asked my doctor if I should try an acupuncturist and he said, “Why not.”
I had extreme pain in my groin and right leg. Had even been hospitalized and tested for clots, etc. I have been diagnosed with stenosis. I asked my doctor if I should try an acupuncturist and he said, “Why not.” After three treatments it left—unbelievable! I am so grateful!
Geraldine S.
Treated (for): Sciatica
I am completely out of pain most all of the time
I had never considered acupuncture before in my life because I was mildly frightened by the idea of multiple needles. However, when traditional therapies such as exercise, massage, and medicines failed to heal back spasms that had lasted for months, my doctor advised me to try acupuncture and gave me the names of a few practitioners. I chose Steve Phillips. I have been amazed by the results. First: I barely notice the needles. They aren’t a problem at all, and every acupuncture treatment is a totally relaxing and rejuvenating experience. Second: after two sessions, I no longer needed medications and after four sessions, I am completely out of pain most all of the time. I am very glad that I gave acupuncture a try and have begun recommending acupuncture and Steve Phillips to my friends and family.
Fran F., age 65
Treated (for): Relaxation, Pain Management, Muscle Spasms, Back Pain - Middle, Back Pain - Low, Back Pain - General
Your needles are amazing
I want to let you know how thoughtful and effective your treatments are. You always tell me just what I need to hear to move forward and your needles are amazing the way they move the energy to where the healing can take place.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am blessed to have you in my Life.
Treated (for): General Health, Energy Enhancement and Energy Balancing
My shoulder could have had surgery
Acupuncture therapy with Dr Steve Phillips for couple of months has been the perfect treatment to my pain on my shoulder and ankle and my recovery has exceed my own expectations. My shoulder could have had surgery as an option but Dr Phillips and his treatments took care of it and made a huge difference. I feel great. Thank you Steve, job well done!
Frank de Alba
Treated (for): Shoulder Pain, Ankle Pain
Strained my lower back
I had strained my lower back on business travels recently. Steve was able to treat me unexpectedly expediting the healing process. Feeling immobile is tragic while keeping a schedule. Be sure to patronage your local licensed Acupuncturist when in need of pain management without popping a pill. With much ALOHA to you and yours Steve.
Treated (for): Back Pain - Low
3 weeks away from my first marathon I went to Steve Phillips
My lower back always hurts to some degree. After several days of immobility due to a bad flu I was barely able to lift my right leg and the pain I normally feel on one side spread across my entire lower back. Panicked, because I was three weeks away from my first marathon I went to Steve Phillips.
Steve impressed me because he carefully listened, treated for results and followed up to assure improvement. Steve really listened and exchanged information focused on making sure he understood the problem and identified the area in pain. When I say he treated for results, I mean that he made sure to focus on the area that when treated would help me feel the best. Through the acupuncture, heat, pressure, and physical manipulation Steve worked on the area of concern diligently. Other practitioners seem to be worried about time limits, while Steve worried about administering treatment to its maximum therapeutic benefit. With respect to follow-up Steve would not let me leave until he was sure I felt better. Several times he felt the initial treatment loosened me up enough to reach another area that if treated, I would experience greater pain relief. Steve made sure I received this treatment and this resulted in faster improvement.
Overall I appreciated the professional and dedicated acupuncture experience. I was able to complete my first marathon and I am thankful of the role Steve Phillips played in helping me to achieve this goal.
Ricardo Torres - First Time San Francisco Marathoner
Treated (for): Back Pain - Low, Back Pain - General
Am back to my jogging
For the past two months I have had a nagging pain in my left lateral quadriceps muscle which has been treated with anti-inflammatory meds, physical therapy and steroid injections, with little improvement. I had a patient who had had chronic back pain that hadn’t responded to physical therapy and she had seen Steve Phillips and had excellent results, so I decided to give Steve a try with my leg problems. After several sessions I am glad to report that I am finally getting better and am back to my jogging. I have referred several other patients to Steve with great results. I highly recommend him.
Allen Priest, M.D.
Treated (for): Testimonials from Health Professionals, Sports Injuries, Back Pain - Low, Back Pain - General
Kept me pain-free
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
In November of 2008, I came down with plantar fasciitis and achilles tendinitis. I was getting ready to start training in January 2009 for my first 100-mile endurance run (, the premier 100-mile ultra. From January 1st through June 27th, training harder than I’ve ever trained before, averaging 70 + miles per week, and running anywhere from a 50K to a 100K per weekend, you kept me pain-free and helped the healing process. I crossed the finish line after running 29 hours and 25 minutes on June 28th at 10:25 AM. PAIN FREE for 100 miles!!
Thank you so much for helping me achieve my goal.
Jeffery L. Johnston
Quality Clear Pools
(916) 543-0788
Treated (for): Tendonitis, Sports Injuries, Plantar Fasciitis, Foot Pain
Two years ago I developed a neuroma in my left foot. It became very painful to run and even walk. At times wearing shoes would feel extremely uncomfortable. Having medical insurance I did what most people would do and sought the treatment of a podiatrist. His first impression was that the neuroma was so severe it would eventually require surgery, which involves severing the nerve just above the inflamed area. This was not something either of us wanted to do. After a year of treatment and a considerable amount of patience I was able to avoid having surgery but not able to rid myself of the neuroma and its effects. Feeling very frustrated and wanting to run full time again I sought a different approach and came to Steve Phillips. Over the past few months Steve has treated my injury and helped me to start running again. More importantly, he’s been able to reduce the size of the neuroma to a point where 95% of the time I don’t even notice it, even on long runs of ten to twelve miles. With Steve’s help I feel confident that I can maintain this level of rehabilitation and hopefully in the next few months be completely free of its effects. Also, as an unexpected benefit of Steve’s treatment, I have found the acupuncture treatment extremely relaxing and energizing helping to relieve stress and increase my overall well-being.
Treated (for): Foot Pain
Keep a lid on hay fever
Steve Phillips has been my acupuncturist since he started his practice in Sacramento. He can whisk away fibroid tumors or keep a lid on hay fever. Any hurtful illness or injury deserves a visit to Steve. He helped me keep my mother-in-law balanced for three years until her death at 98 years. Steve treated her in her nursing home at the end. He also cared for my mother when she was ninety and staying with me (cleared up some new varicose veins).
Alice B.
Treated (for): Hay Fever, General Health, Energy Enhancement and Energy Balancing, Allergic Rhinitis
The pain has lessened
I am a registered dental assistant for a private dental office for about 20 years. I have carpal tunnel syndrome due to work-related causes for the last ten years now. I am constantly in pain throughout the day. The severity of the pain increases as the day continues. Ever since I have been receiving acupuncture procedures, I noticed the pain has lessened. I am able to work efficiently without constant pain.
Hanh T.
Treated (for): Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
My wheelchair and two walkers are back in storage
At the age of 81, I developed a sciatic nerve problem which went on for one and a half years. During that time I also had a total knee replacement and later a second replacement of my hip. My doctors were kind and sympathetic and finally decided that back surgery could be the answer to my sciatic nerve problem. At this point I wasn’t too excited about another surgery. The doctors were understanding. They suggested shots. They gave me cortisone shots which were effective for several months. Next was a nerve blocker, which had no effect on my pain.
At this point I decided I would just have to live out my years in pain. Then my neighbor told me about her young adult son who had developed sciatica problems and couldn’t walk from one room to another. He decided to try acupuncture, and after six treatments went back to work as manager of a large grocery store. Again hope was in sight. Though I knew little about the treatment, what did I have to lose except pain. I conferred with my doctor and told him I would like to try it. He agreed and sent me to Dr. Phillips for six treatments. After six treatments, I informed my doctor of the improvement, but felt another session of six treatments would be even better. He agreed. After the second set of treatments, my wheelchair and two walkers are back in storage. I no longer take medication for the sciatica. Thank you, Dr. Phillips
Irene F.
Treated (for): Sciatica
Steve’s results are like a few weeks of vacation
For over twenty years, I’ve had stress/tmj headaches around my left temple.
Ibuprofen or alcohol would bring temporary relief to the symptoms but not really help in the long run. Steve asked a lot of questions including whether exercise helped. After confirming exercise helped, Steve gave a tentative diagnosis of shoulder problems causing the head pain. He said it would probably go away after a few acupuncture treatments. Following the first treatment, I felt 1,000% better.
After four weekly treatments, the residual discomfort is almost completely gone. A recent deep tissue massage revealed that much of the accumulated stress throughout my body has gone thanks to Steve’s acupuncture treatments. I tried other acupuncturists before but their treatment brought only slight, temporary relief. I have also had literally dozens of chiropractors over the years who have helped but make me nervous as I age. Steve’s results are like a few weeks of vacation with yoga classes. I am very grateful to Steve.
Matt B.
Treated (for): Temporomandibular Joint Pain (TMJ/TMD), Headaches
Disabling anxiety problem
My husband and I started acupuncture treatment with a great degree of skepticism but it was our last resort to find a cure for my husband’s anxiety problem. It was affecting his quality of life. To our amazement after visiting Steve for a number of weeks he is completely cured of his anxiety. I still can’t believe this miracle that Steve has performed and I am now a true believer in his treatment. The 100% success rate for his disabling anxiety problem speaks volumes for the power of acupuncture and Steve’s complete competency in his field. Thank you Steve.
Sevgi G.
Treated (for): Anxiety
I was sceptical about acupuncture at first
I wish to thank you for the acupuncture treatment that I have received at your clinic. It has been a very good experience. I tried everything to help get rid of my shoulder pain. I was even scheduled for surgery, and on the table, but the proceedure was not done as they could not get the tubes down my throat. Next we tried physical therapy. All that did was create more pain. Now, after 8 treatments, the pain is not as intense, and as often. I have more range of motion and can do more activities. I was sceptical about acupuncture at first, but I am very pleased with the results. I recommend that everyone in my situation try your clinic as they might be surprised with the results.
Treated (for): Shoulder Pain
Professional expertise
I appreciate Steve’s professional expertise as well as his interesting personality. I feel comfortable in his office and am glad for the help he gives me.
Sunny, R.N.
Treated (for): Testimonials from Health Professionals, General Health
The hot flashes are 80% gone
What a difference Steve has made in my life. When I came to Steve I was having hot flashes. Not only was I having hot flashes during the day, I was also unable to sleep through the night. After my first treatment of acupuncture I noticed a huge difference. I could sleep through the night, during the day the flashes were much less severe. After a couple of more treatments the symptoms disappeared completely. After four or five months I noticed the symptoms started to slowly reoccur. By the time I made an appointment with Steve I was once again waking up in the night. After one treatment I noticed that the hot flashes were again manageable. I have gone for three treatments this time and the hot flashes are 80% gone. Thank you Steve for giving me back my quality of life.
Cheryle Gray
Treated (for): Hot Flashes
My primary care doctor suggested acupuncture treatments
About six months ago, I was diagnosed with neuropathy of my feet. My left foot was more painful than my right foot. My primary care doctor suggested acupuncture treatments. After four acupuncture treatments, the pain is less in both feet. I am able to walk longer distances with little or no discomfort.
Sylvia Laycock, R.N.
Treated (for): Testimonials from Health Professionals, Peripheral Neuropathy, Foot Pain
I was willing to try anything and everything
No more drugs! My health has improved incredibly since having acupuncture by Steve Phillips.
Many years ago when living in Bangkok, Thailand, my ankle was bothering me terribly, and my father suggested I try his acupuncturist at a local clinic. The clinic was very popular; I was instructed to lie down on a bed—one of about a dozen, all lined up in a row, and the needles were inserted. I had expected a quiet, peaceful experience, but this being Bangkok, it was chaos! It seemed all the beds were located in what appeared to be almost a hallway, and hundreds of people came and went, there was blaring music, and the chatter of all those folks nearby. Unfortunately, the treatments weren’t successful, so I didn’t emerge with a positive attitude towards acupuncture.
Thirty years later, I found myself suffering from migraine headaches that nearly stopped my ability to get up in the morning and go to work—at about 3 a.m. practically every morning, the pain would start, and I would gulp down more than the prescribed number of pills. A dear friend recommended my going to Steve Phillips, and in spite of my recollection of acupuncture in Bangkok, I was willing to try anything and everything to relieve my painful mornings.
In about a month after starting treatments, I was no longer a prisoner of 3 o’clock in the morning! The setting is delightful—a spacious, private treatment room with soothing music. Nearly a year has passed since starting to visit Steve, and my life has changed incredibly! It is now an unusual event to have a migraine—due entirely to my regular visits to Steve. As you can imagine, I am deeply grateful to Steve for enabling me to greet each morning with enthusiasm!
Lynn S.
Treated (for): Migraine and Tension Headaches, Headaches, General Health
To my surprise, the needles do not hurt
After a fall, I had experienced fairly constant neck, shoulder and back pain even after physical therapy. The pain specialist recommended acupuncture. I did not expect much relief and was not looking forward to the needles. However, to my surprise, the needles do not hurt and after a few sessions, I realized that the pain has been reduced dramatically in frequency and intensity. I recommend you keep an open mind and give it a try.
Donna G. - Sacramento, CA
Treated (for): Shoulder Pain, Pain Management, Neck Pain, Back Pain - Upper, Back Pain - General
With a smile on my face
I’ve been treated by Steve Phillips for chronic bursitis of the hip, diabetes, depression and various other aches and pains for several years. Many times I’ve walked into his clinic near tears, but I always leave pain-free and with a smile on my face. Steve takes time to listen to my troubles and ensures that the area being treated feels better.
Carol M.
Treated (for): Hip Pain, Diabetes, Depression, Bursitis
Cold sore disappeared
Dear Steve,
Thank you treating my son’s cold sore. It disappeared after 4 days of treatment.
As usual we think very highly of you. In fact just yesterday we recommended you to another friend of ours.
I hope you will be in practice a very very long time.
Take care
Treated (for): Common Cold
I was in constant pain
Dear Steve:
I wanted to write to let you know how thoroughly surprised and happy I am with the results of the acupuncture treatments I received, and am still receiving, from you for my chronic back and neck pain. When I originally came to you it was as a last ditch effort to avoid a
cervical pain management shot. I was in constant pain from various knots in my shoulder muscles and from four bulging disks in my upper spine. I was worrying out loud to a friend who shared with me his experiences with the treatments. I did not want to get the shot, which would have been the first of many, I feared, so I decided to at least look into acupuncture. And, am I ever glad I did. After the first four treatments my pain had greatly subsided, and I am now getting treatment two or three times a month, and pain is no longer a daily debilitating problem for me.
My husband is probably even happier than I am, because I am now back to being my normal self, and not in constant pain. We’re back to having fun together and I am able to carry on with my life in normal fashion. I cannot convey to you how joyful it is to be able to wake each day and just go out and live, as opposed to being constantly wracked with painful and numbing jolts running down my arms and legs. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for the skill and knowledge
you have applied to me and for the confidence you have given me in the art of acupuncture. If any of your patients have any concerns about the treatments you provide just tell them my story. It WILL help them!
Rochelle B.
Treated (for): Pain Management, Neck Pain, Disc Herniation and Disc Degeneration, Back Pain - Upper, Back Pain - General
Made me feel “whole” again as well as a whole lot younger
I am grateful to Steve for what he has done not only for my right shoulder, which has been a source of chronic pain for two decades due to calcium deposits, but also for my lower back, which x-rays confirm has arthritis at several levels resulting in my specialist’s conclusion that I have “thoracic spondylosis due to scattered areas of disc space narrowing and osteophyte formations being present throughout the thoracic spine”. Before meeting Steve I had already received my quota of steroidal injections in my shoulder, which were wonderful for providing temporary relief, but I was also taking 30 mg of vicodin and 1000 mg of Nabumetone daily to try to reduce the pain in both my shoulder and my back.
After my first session with Steve I began to feel improvement, both physically and mentally, for Steve, after listening to my history, squeezed the section of my shoulder which I said was where I hurt, and said, “I can make that better”. Following failed physical therapy and dreading elective surgery, I was uplifted by Steve’s “can do” attitude. After I positioned myself on the table and Steve moved about me, he began to leave the room and I asked, “When do you put the needles in?” (since I hate needles). Steve told me they were already in and asked if I didn’t feel an electrical current. Only then did I realize I was “hooked up” and receiving treatment.
I’ve been seeing Steve weekly for appointments that last an hour or so, and his treatments have vastly improved the quality of my life. My shoulder “works” again, and my back, which used to awaken me during the night with stabbing pain, has been silenced. Furthermore, when I last saw my doctor, my blood pressure was 119 over 68, unbelievable numbers for me. I told my primary care physician I was seeing an acupuncturist “on my own dime” for my shoulder and my back, and he was supportive (medically, not financially). When I told Steve about the improvement in my blood pressure, Steve’s response was, “You should have mentioned your blood pressure: we can work on that, too.” I suppose I could have gone through the hoops of being referred by Kaiser, but my ex-wife was referred by Kaiser Point West, which is where my primary care physician is, to an acupuncturist in Roseville. Following her quota of visits she felt her treatments were ineffective and didn’t continue. I prefer to “pay my own way” with Steve because one can’t put a price tag on the amount of relief I have received and the resultant improved quality of life I am enjoying.
As I mentioned earlier, Steve’s “can do” attitude of addressing my shoulder, my back, and my blood pressure at the same time, coupled with Steve being an obviously extremely gifted acupuncturist, has turned my life around. At 68, I had lived with chronic pain for so many years that I had almost accepted that such would be my lot in life. As a high school teacher, I would write the outlines for the next day’s lectures on my white board before leaving school as I knew the next day my shoulder would be locked in pain until midway though the day when the drugs “kicked” in and only then would I enjoy marginal movement. I hired people to clean my home, a gardener to mow and blow my lawn, and a neighbor boy to clean my rain gutters. I could no longer perform such routine chores. This weekend I’ve pruned a hedgerow between my neighbor’s and my property with my old pruning shears and am able to sit at my computer and keyboard this statement re: my acupuncturist experience with Steve Phillips. I have no idea if I will continue to see Steve for a month, a year, or for the rest of my life: that’s something he and I haven’t discussed. All I know is that he has truly made me feel “whole” again as well as a whole lot younger than I felt when I first walked through his door.
Had anyone told me that one day I, who is frightened by needles, would one day visit an acupuncturist, much less write a testimonial in which I heap sincere praises and gratitude for said acupuncturist’s many gifts and incredible knowledge, I would have said, “You’re crazy”. Life is full of surprises and gifts, and I know that in addition to the healing one must remain open to receiving such gifts and reinvigorating surprises. Steve began his practice here in 1991: my only regret is that I wasn’t among his first patients/clients. To think that twenty years ago I could have been relieved of all the unnecessary pain and accompanying suffering I’ve experienced is a reality I accept since Steve’s office is literally close enough to my home that I pass by it once a week.
Jerry Waugh
Treated (for): Shoulder Pain, Hypertension, Back Pain - Low
My journey back to good health
With gratitude to Steve Phillips, I would like to share with you my journey back to good health.
I began acupuncture treatments with Steve Phillips three months after having pneumonia. I had been on four courses of antibiotics, and was ready to try an alternative to Western medicine. My chest still felt heavy and tight, I had a lingering cough, and I just didn’t feel well.
After starting acupuncture treatments, what I noticed first was that my chest and sinuses didn’t feel quite as tight. As importantly, I felt an underlying calmness that I hadn’t felt before. Over the next three months, my symptoms subsided and, gradually, I felt healthier. Rather than merely treating the symptoms, however, I felt as if I were getting better from the inside out.
Now I can truly say that I feel I have regained my sense of physical and psychological well-being. It’s not to say that I don’t feel down or catch a cold once in awhile. It’s just that I bounce back faster. I feel like myself again…healthy, peaceful and capable of healing myself.
Treated (for): Immune System Strengthening, General Health, Common Cold
I come to him when I am injured or out of balance
Steve Phillips is, hands down, the best acupuncturist that I have ever worked with. I come to him when I am injured or out of balance, and I have referred several clients to him, as he is very knowledgeable when it comes to treating sports-related injuries.
Sam Scholtes, CSCS
(Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach)
Treated (for): Sports Injuries, General Health
Dramatic improvement in both frequency and severity of headache
I was referred to Steve Phillips by Kaiser for headaches, where I’ve been treated for many years. I have daily headaches with several severe migraines every year bad enough to cause me to miss work for several days at a time.
After my first visit I had a few days of minimal headaches; after three or four visits I noticed a dramatic improvement in both frequency and severity of headache. Additionally, I noticed I no longer had a need to continue taking a prescription anxiety medication which I’d been taking for years, so I stopped taking it. In hindsight I realize the acupuncture treatments were indirectly responsible for this change.
I’m very happy I was referred to Mr. Phillips and would recommend him to anyone.
Amy B.
Treated (for): Migraine and Tension Headaches, Headaches, Anxiety
80% reduction in the intensity and frequency of headaches
After four acupuncture treatments, I have experienced an 80% reduction in the intensity and frequency of my migraine/tension headaches. Steve Phillips is a skilled and sensitive practitioner who I recommend without reservation.
Regina, M.D.
Treated (for): Testimonials from Health Professionals, Migraine and Tension Headaches, Headaches
Acupuncture is the only thing that has helped with my chronic pain
Let me start by saying that Steve Phillips’ Acupuncture clinic is the only thing that has helped with my chronic pain. I am only 29 years old and have been suffering from chronic low back pain and hip pain on the left side for over a year. The results of the x-rays and MRIs were that I supposedly had a hip impingement consistent with a labral tear. This basically means that my femur sits improperly in my hip socket and was caused by a tear in the hip cartilage. I think this was caused by a fall from a massive dog knocking me down. The pain spans from my left lower back throughout the left hip, abs, and groin area.
Doctors were less than helpful. I had tried everything before acupuncture including physical therapy, chiropractic care, muscle relaxers, heat & ice, stretching, etc. Nothing helped. After the first visit with Steve, he told me he believed he could help. First he told me I should try to shift my weight forward when I walk. I had been walking improperly to overcompensate for pain in the groin/cartilage area. This has helped tremendously. Additionally, he said I should really start to notice a difference in the level of pain after about the 4th acupuncture treatment.
I noticed a significant difference after only the 2nd treatment. About an hour after the 2nd treatment, I felt so good that I actually went for a sprint/jog. The pain fluctuates on a daily basis but things really started improving after about the 4th treatment. I have been receiving acupuncture treatments for approximately 3 months now. I went weekly for about 2 months and then bi-weekly from there on out. I continue to improve over time. It is a gradual process.
I can’t thank Steve enough for helping me. I was getting depressed and was willing to try anything before surgery. I had heard good things about acupuncture and decided I had nothing to lose. It’s important to note that even if you don’t understand how it works, it DOES work. I had always been an active person but stopped being active due to pain. I am happy to say that I am gradually becoming more active now thanks to Steve. Steve has over 20 years of experience and his prices are very affordable compared to other acupuncture clinics in the Sacramento area. I highly highly recommend this clinic.
Treated (for): Hip Pain
My energy level has greatly improved
Testimonial for Steve Phillips
I had been having left shoulder pain for a very long time and right knee pain for at least 2 months, and had decided I would have to live with it. I thought that it was just part of getting older, along with the loss of energy and “hot flashes”. When I started having excruciating right wrist pain, I decided that it was time to do something. That’s when I came to Steve Phillips for acupuncture. That was the most wonderful choice I could have made. Within weeks after having energy balancing treatments as well as treatments for all my problem areas, most pain was gone, except for that of my very painful wrist, and even that is greatly improved. My energy level has greatly improved, and the “hot flashes” are gone. I am truly grateful to Steve for everything he has done for me.
Theresa Miyashiro, R.N.
Treated (for): Wrist Pain, Testimonials from Health Professionals, Shoulder Pain, Knee Pain, Hot Flashes, Fatigue, Energy Enhancement and Energy Balancing
Sick and tired of all the medicine doctors kept wanting to “try”
For years I have suffered from digestive problems and terrible skin issues and I was sick and tired of all the medicine doctors kept wanting to “try” to help my condition. After one session of Acupuncture with Steve I slept better and started to feel more relaxed. Now just after 5 acupuncture sessions with Steve Phillips my issues have been solved and I will continue with my treatments and give high recommendations to Steve Phillips.
Marcy Freeman
a chroi Salon & Spa
Treated (for): Digestive Disorders, Dermatological (Skin) Disorders
A co-worker recommended acupuncture
My lower back pain started after a fall down a flight of stairs. When it did not subside after several months, I visited my doctor and he prescribed pain medication and physical therapy. Both treatments did very little to actually solve the problem and only masked the issue. Several months later, a co-worker recommended acupuncture for relief. I was skeptical, but open minded, and scheduled a visit at Steve Phillips’ Acupuncture Healing Arts. After just 1 treatment, I noticed a significant reduction in my back pain and after some additional visits my back pain is almost completely gone. Given this success, I asked Steve to treat some other conditions I had been living with; shoulder pain, skin problems, and IBS, all of which are now completely cured. Steve is friendly and professional and his office is comfortable and relaxing. I fully recommend Acupuncture Healing Arts to cure what ails ya.
Treated (for): Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Back Pain - Low
Success with allergies
The constant nasal drip down the back of my throat got to the point where I could hardly talk. My voice was a whisper or worse, like a frog. I was always “aheming” to clear out my throat. And I’m a teacher. It was affecting my job not to mention my enjoyment of the outdoors. I tried several remedies; inhalers, different prescription antihistamines, saline sprays, over the counter nutrients, natural remedies, or drugs. It got to the point where nothing was helping. My sister suggested acupuncture. Now, I don’t usually listen to my sister but I knew she had tried it for a knee injury with success and she mentioned a friend who’d had success with allergies. I thought why not? It was amazing. After the first few treatments I had positive results. I could talk normally again and my throat felt clean and clear. I haven’t had to use any of my former prescriptions or products. I can’t tell you enough Karen B. to be able to do gardening, camping, hiking, or just sit out and enjoy my yard without worrying about the allergic reactions I would have had a year ago.
Karen B.
Treated (for): Hay Fever, Allergies, Allergic Rhinitis
Keeps my Sacramento allergies at bay
Testimonial for Steve Phillips
I have been seeing Steve for several years for treatment of arthritis in my left ankle, right knee, both thumbs and lower back. In addition, he keeps my Sacramento allergies at bay by treating my sinuses.
I firmly believe that the acupuncture treatments have helped to keep my arthritic joints moving so that I can swim, do aerobic exercises and lift weights with little discomfort. I am sure that left untreated, my joints would freeze up and leave me very unhappy.
Steve and I have many great intellectual discussions and some that are less intellectual, and there are some that are, as he said last week, “a poke and a joke.” My appointments with Steve go by very quickly, either because we are talking or because I feel safe and relaxed enough to take a quick nap
I would not hesitate to recommend Steve to anyone for acupuncture treatment.
Virginia E. Maulfair, Ed.D.
Treated (for): Relaxation, Pain Management, Knee Pain, Hay Fever, Hand Pain, Back Pain - Low, Back Pain - General, Arthritis, Ankle Pain, Allergies, Allergic Rhinitis
I had been in so much pain
I would like to Thank Steve Phillips, M.A., L.Ac. for helping me to get my life back! I had been in so much pain in the last 5 years. I was unable to garden, walk the dogs, wash dishes or cook the pain was so bad. And all so not sleeping because of the pain. Been to Physical Therapy, it did not help and all so MD just give you pain pill. Because of Steve Phillips, I am gardening, walking the dogs 3 miles or more days, cooking again. I feel good.
Thank you
La Ray A. Macchiavelli
Treated (for): Sciatica, Back Pain - General
I am very glad that I stumbled upon Steve
I was looking for an acupuncturist with an extensive knowledge in Sacramento Area and I came across Steve on the net search. Prior to beginning my acupuncture with Steve, I had a few sessions with another practitioner in LA who was fairly new to his practice. While those sessions were very helpful, I am very glad that I stumbled upon Steve.
I primarily came for my anxiety/stress issues which stemmed from having a strict upbringing as well as a number of emotional issues such as going through war, losing a loved one, and moving from place to place, which, at times, can be very emotionally draining.
Prior to sessions with Steve, I already had Tai Chi as well as Yoga at my disposal, but I thought that adding another healing tool could not hurt. Being fairly new to Tai Chi and the workings of internal energy and breathing, I had a general understanding of how the acupuncture might work. The principles of Tai Chi are such that any tightness in the muscles leads to unnecessary strain and imbalance in the body, and that in order to regain health, it is imperative to rid oneself of that strain. Unfortunately, that strain accumulates in the body as we experience stressful events. It is ok to experience stressful events, as long as we are aware that the tightness in the muscles must be released. Even the smallest muscle tightness can throw the whole body out of balance.
In my case, having the needle inserted into a muscle that’s tight, has done wonders. I’m sure that it’s a whole lot more thoughtful than this if you read Chinese literature, but I am very scientific person and I think that there’s a scientific value to acupuncture. My problem turned out to be a very tense lower back which prevented me from deep breathing. Even though I did Tai Chi and Yoga which are great tools for anyone, my problem turned out to be an inability to consciously release tightness of certain deeper muscles in my lower back. Acupuncture did just that, primarily because I did not have to do anything consciously.
It can take some time for it to start working as we have accumulated tightness in our bodies for a lifetime. Muscles will not relax all at once, but rather over time with some patience. I always make sure that I’m good to myself and that if any emotions surface after an acupuncture session, I have to fully let them be and accept them. Any resistance will just further constrict the muscles. I hope that my review can be helpful to some who have had a very stressful life.
Treated (for): Well Being, Stress Management, Muscle Spasms, General Health, Energy Enhancement and Energy Balancing
Since 2004 doctors have been trying to find the cause
I have been under a doctor’s care since 1994 because of industrial injuries that developed during my employment as a computer programmer. I had a 3-level cervical fusion in 1996, rotator cuff impingement surgery in 1999 and 2001, and then surgery for radial nerve entrapment in my right arm in 2003. Since 2004 doctors have been trying to find the cause of continuing aching low back pain and deep pain in my right thigh. I have taken several different medications for inflammation and pain over the past 9 years. Three months ago I began once-a-week physical therapy for core strengthening. I have had physical therapy 4 or 5 times in the past 16 years which has gradually reduced muscles to some extent and improved my ability for about a year.
I started acupuncture with Steve Phillips June 15th. After the first visit I could immediately stand up straight. My friends commented on it. With every visit my pain was reduced a little more, the muscle spasms were less, and my flexibility was greater. After 16 visits my overall pain has dropped from 7/10 to 3/10. The pain in my right buttocks is gone. The pain in my right leg has gone from 8/10 to 3/10. My pain in my neck and shoulders is usually 2/10, my lower back pain above my waist is 0, and below my waist is 3-4/10. Standing, I can touch the floor with my finger tips–before I could only get close–11 inches. The quality of my life, my mental attitude, and my ability to function is immeasurably better!!!
(no name)
Treated (for): Shoulder Pain, Sciatica, Neck Pain, Back Pain - Low
I have been using alternative medicine for at least thirty years, and am very familiar with the many different methods. At different times during the last several years, I have seen Steve for digestive problems, neck pain, breathing problems, and stress. The results for all of those conditions have been outstanding. The soreness in my neck kept me awake at night and was almost unbearable. After one acupuncture treatment, not only was my neck pain completely gone, but as a side benefit of that particular treatment, I was in a state of complete bliss! The difference was truly dramatic. My breathing problems (shortness of breath from a hiatal hernia) were relieved after several treatments. I am thankful to have found his office, and would consider him to be my first option for treatment. As an alternative practitioner, Steve is the best. I would highly recommend him to anyone considering acupuncture or herbal medicine, for his peaceful manner, his professionalism, and his consistent results.
Treated (for): Stress Management, Relaxation, Neck Pain, General Health, Digestive Disorders, Abdominal Bloating
Neck pain that was affecting my life to the point I could not move without major pain
Hello my name is Jeffrey Shaffer and I’m 47 Years old and this is my story. About 2 years ago I began seeking medical help for my neck pain that was affecting my life to the point I could not move without major pain. It turned out after a year of tests and several doctors, major doses of Methadone, Vicodan and Motrin 800 mg after being on this treatment for another 8 months, my orthopedic doctor recommended an alternate treatment. I was referred to Steve Phillips and began treatment on January 2, 2008 and for the next 6 weeks I was given Acupuncture treatments once a week. After 4 weeks I was able to decrease my pain medication regiment by half and then by the end of 6 weeks I was off the Methadone completely and only take an occasional Motrin. I am currently taking my Acupuncture treatments once every 4 to 5 weeks and am actually doing so much better. I thank Steve after every treatment and would recommend him to anyone. He has been great with communicating and has made me feel like a person and not just another number. I can’t praise the treatment or the man enough. After being a pain medication addict for 18 months of my life, I can honestly say that I feel Human and functional again. Thanks Steve for all you do.
Jeffrey Shaffer
Treated (for): Neck Pain
I am a believer in Steve Phillips’ acupuncture
I had heard of acupuncture before, but I had never tried it. My son has been going to Steve Phillips for a back injury and told me I should try it. I am a diabetic with neuropathy of the feet. I had no feeling in my toes and bottom of my feet. In fact, my first visit to Steve Phillips I didn’t feel anything. I was shocked to see all the needles in my feet. Now, after eight visits, I have feeling in my feet and I am a believer in Steve Phillips’ acupuncture. Thank you so much.
Treated (for): Peripheral Neuropathy
Am now beginning to take short walks without backlash of pain
My first few visits to see Steve were initially to work on lowering my blood pressure. As he began to question me about any further complaints, I revealed my most recent bouts with recurring pain and stiffness in my knees due to what my doctor has diagnosed as arthritis. After just a few treatments, targeting not only my blood pressure but also my knees—what a difference!
Before, I was not able to get up and down from a chair or in and out of my car without discomfort. I can now do so easily and am now beginning to take short walks without a backlash of pain. I so appreciate his level of skill and knowledge. Thank you, Steve.
Mary Olsen
Treated (for): Knee Pain, Arthritis
First acupuncture experience
Testimonial for Steve Phillips’ Acupuncture Practice
Kaiser Permanente referred me to Steve for relief of long standing back pain radiating into both legs. Additionally, I have Fibromyalgia. My hope is to stay off pain medication as much as possible, instead relying upon acupuncture.
This was my first acupuncture experience. Surprisingly the period of time while the needles are in place is actually pleasurable due to an incredibly deep relaxation manifest during the session. However no lasting pain relief of any magnitude occurred after the first three sessions. Then, following my forth session a leap occurred; I could walk better due to reduced pain with straighter posture and increased leg strength. These positive results continued to expand with further treatment. Exacerbations of pain and stiffness occur if I miss my twice monthly sessions.
On some visits with Steve, I might also have sinus pain or headache. On those occasions besides the usual acupuncture points my added symptoms are targeted resulting in instant relief. Even abdominal bloating responds immediately to acupuncture. Steve adapts the treatment to changing symptoms.
I am sold on acupuncture for pain relief. Also I am sold on Steve’s practice due to his calm, gracious, and professional manner. There exists an aura of peace in Steve’s office; never a wait to be seen, only a smooth, quiet and efficient work flow. I highly recommend acupuncture to my friends and always suggest they see Steve.
Margaret Ann Dirks, RN, NP, MPH
Treated (for): Testimonials from Health Professionals, Sinus Headaches, Sciatica, Relaxation, Pain Management, Hay Fever, Digestive Disorders, Back Pain - Low, Back Pain - General, Allergies, Allergic Rhinitis, Abdominal Bloating
Acupuncture has enabled me to continue working
I have tendonitis in my wrists that was so severe it made it very difficult to keyboard, which is 90% of what I do on the job. Acupuncture has enabled me to continue working, by relieving the pain for extended periods of time.
When the pain returns it has never been at the severity it was before I had acupuncture. Acupuncture relieves the pain that doctor-prescribed medications were unable to relieve, without dulling my brain or making me so sleepy I could not drive much less work. I am very grateful to Steve Phillips for my ability to continue working.
Lorraine O.
Treated (for): Wrist Pain, Tendonitis, Pain Management
I’m not taking a lot of the medications I was once placed on.
Hi my name is Jean G. I had a medical procedure on 5-2-06 which left me with numerous complications. The very next day I started having tremors. I was told to go to the ER. The doctor I saw thought I may have had Parkinson’s. The tremors were very visible from the top of my head to my feet shaking non-stop. Because of the constant movement it set off other medical complications to my head, neck and jaw.
Two months later this caused my jaw to move off track and then migraines began. Over the past 14 months I’ve seen numerous doctors. I was placed on all kinds of medications but no one could help diagnosis me. It became frustrating and very depressing, I saw one specialist after another. I’d given up on the medical profession & doctors — you see I’ve worked in the medical field for 22 years now. The migraines I’d experience were weekly and I had to get shots just to help with the pain.
But in January and early February I was involved in 2 auto accidents which caused additional complications. My doctor didn’t know what to do so he suggested I go to a chiropractor. The two car accidents turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I never knew what holistic medicine was until I went to it the chiropractor said he’d not seen a case like mine for a number of years. Because of my progress was slow and painful he suggested I try acupuncture. My nerves were on high alert constantly.
My insurance company sent me a list of acupuncturists in the area. I didn’t know of any so I ran them by my chiropractor. He’d heard of Dr. Phillips so I called, made an appointment and started treatments.
After a few treatments the migraines slowed down and the tremors eased up little by little. They actually stopped for the first time in 14 months. I actually had a feeling of hope to living a normal life again. The tremors stopped in April and most of May but came back—the doctors don’t know why, the migraines aren’t like they used to be.
I feel like Dr. Phillips with his experience and years of practicing acupuncture has helped. I’ve meet 2 very good doctors who care about the quality and care of each and every patient. Dr. Phillips spends time with you and is genuinely concerned about your welfare. I would like to thank Dr. Phillips for everything he’s done for me. I feel better than I have in quite some time. The tremors and migraines fluctuate, but I’m not taking a lot of the medications I was once placed on.
The power of positive thinking will also improve your health as well. Thank you Dr. Phillips for all you’ve done for me in a short amount of time. Keep up the great job.
Jean G.
Treated (for): Tremors, Migraine and Tension Headaches, Headaches, Auto Accident
Consider acupuncture as an alternative to conventional medication
My name is Mary Overton and I’m 59 years old. In June 2001, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis.
In the last 9 years I have taken pain medication, injections to my spine and I've also had two knee operations, Every day I live with pain in several parts of my body. The pain has also caused my blood pressure to rise to alarming heights.
I have been concerned about taking all the medications prescribed to me and possibly causing damage to various organs. I decided to talk to someone in the physical medicine department at my local hospital. I learned that my hospital no longer offers acupuncture to patients seeking long term treatment. So I decided to seek treatment outside of my medical facility and I received a referral to Steve Phillips, M.A., L.Ac.
I’ve been receiving acupuncture treatments once a week, one hour per session, for six months now. I’ve had great success and feel that I have already met my goals of taking less medicine and feeling more energized. I’m living with less pain and am a lot happier in my life.
I would highly recommend that if you’re experiencing these types of illnesses. Please seek help and strongly consider acupuncture as an alternative to conventional medication. I’m sure you’ll be as pleased as I was with the results.
If you’re looking for a professional, understanding and dedicated acupuncturist, I strongly recommend Steve Phillips. He has done wonders for me. Thank you Steve for helping me feel better.
Mary Overton
Treated (for): Fibromyalgia, Arthritis
Results were so stunning (20 years of chronic pain gone!!)
I began treating for plantar fasciitis, and the results were so stunning (20 years of chronic pain gone!!) that I asked about other ailments that acupuncture might help with, including back pain (instant relief!), and my sense of smell. After taking a prescription nasal spray I lost my sense of smell a few years back, and since I had been informed that might be a side effect, I thought nothing of the loss. However, it was a huge annoyance to friends and family who couldn’t understand that I just didn’t smell, anything! When I discussed the situation with Steve, he tackled the issue with enthusiasm. After just one treatment I was smelling the fragrant incense he uses in his office, which I’d never before noticed. The results, like the elimination of my chronic pain, were once again amazing. Traditional doctors said there was nothing that could be done to regain my sense of smell. But they were wrong. After just one month with acupuncture, I’ve regained a significant amount of my smell.
The treatments are soothing and relaxing and I’m just amazed at the range of ailments and symptoms that can be relieved or eliminated with acupuncture. While I believe in acupuncture, I also believe the acupuncturist is the most important component of the treatment, and Steve is excellent to work with. He listens to ensure he understands the issue, is patient and persistent in locating the source of the pain or injury, and makes sure you understand the recommended course of treatment. I can’t thank him enough for eliminating my painful plantar fasciitis and giving me back my sense of smell. Thank you, thank you!!
Treated (for): Plantar Fasciitis, Anosmia (loss of sense of smell)
I am happy to say I am now a non-smoker!
I was a smoker for almost 15 years! I had become used to the high levels of anxiety the addiction was causing. After trying the patch, the gum, and good ol’ fashion will power, I was beginning to feel hopeless and trapped. Then I found Dr. Steve! He is very thoughtful and gentle as well as knowledgeable and professional. I was amazed at how quickly I started to feel the effects of the treatments. I immediately felt more relaxed and balanced. Over just a few weeks, the need to smoke seemed to naturally disappear as my stress level came down. I am happy to say I am now a non-smoker! I continue to see Dr. Steve for any aches or pains because I know it works. (And it really doesn’t hurt at all).
J. Hurley
Treated (for): Stop Smoking
I always leave feeling revitalized
I am so glad I tried acupuncture. In the past I have tried many different treatments for my headaches with mediocre results. I never expected such wonderful results as I have gotten with acupuncture. Since a teenager I have suffered from daily headaches & more often than not migraines. Since coming to Steve Philips Acupuncture Clinic my headaches are no longer a daily occurrence. As an added bonus it works wonders on other aliments too. It is the next best thing to sliced bread & aspirin. Some days I come in feeling so-so but I always leave feeling revitalized. It always amazes me. I am so glad my doctor recommended Steve.
Thank you Steve.
Dawn C.
Treated (for): Migraine and Tension Headaches, Headaches
I was hoping for relief and received a full pardon!
Steve Phillips is a knowledgeable and caring physician. I have had the privilege of knowing Dr. Steve for over three years. He is straight forward in his treatment and very honest.
I had sinus headaches and severe hay fever allergies each spring season. While taking all the recommended pharmaceuticals I still suffered. One January I decided to see Dr. Steve monthly to begin a curious experiment of inner strengthening and healing hoping to improve the inescapable torment of spring. Unbelievably April, May, June came along and I experienced absolutely no symptoms at all. I was hoping for relief and received a full pardon!
There have been times when my energy flow was “off”… I mentioned it before a treatment and with the proper placement of needles I could honestly feel my energy align itself. I have called at the last moment feeling a cold or flu trying to grab me. Dr. Steve would manage to find time to see me and after the one hour treatment the symptoms had evaporated! Amazing!
I highly recommend Steve Phillips to anyone willing to try acupuncture for relief and healing. I am no longer skeptical; I remain grateful.
Angela C.
Treated (for): Sinus Headaches, Hay Fever, Energy Enhancement and Energy Balancing, Common Cold, Allergic Rhinitis
I decided to try acupuncture
I decided to try acupuncture after my physician and chiropractor couldn’t alleviate my back pain. I was in pain and couldn’t stand straight when I went to Acupuncture Healing Arts. In a matter of about an hour, Steve was able to unlock my spasming back muscles and relieve my pain. I was amazed that I was able to leave his office walking tall.
Karl H., age 34
Treated (for): Back Pain - Low, Back Pain - General
Stopping my cold from getting worse
Thank you for getting me well so I could enjoy this gorgeous weekend. I don’t know exactly what you did on Thursday, but it helped so much in stopping my cold from getting worse and taking off. It surprised even me how quickly I recovered, but I knew you’d know what to do. You are Super!!
Susan H.
Treated (for): Common Cold
My headaches have become nearly non-existant
I was experiencing constant headaches at varying degrees for a period of about two months. Although an MRI ensured that my headaches were not life threatening, traditional doctors did not provide any methods of prevention or cure other than prescription painkillers. While I’ve always been a skeptic of holistic medicine, I decided to follow the advice of some family members who have had their ailments relieved by acupuncture. I proceeded to pursue treatment through Dr. Phillips.
After the first treatment, my pain was noticeably improved, so I was compelled to return for further treatments. Dr. Phillips assured me that I wouldn’t be completely cured after my first visit, but a course of treatments over time should relieve my headaches with some degree of permanence. Now after a combination of about ten acupuncture treatments and a course of herbal supplements provided by Dr. Phillips, my headaches have become nearly non-existant. While the headaches at first were completely debilitating to me, affecting both my job and home life, they now have become a seldom and manageable occurrence. I am both surprised and impressed by the results I’ve gotten from Dr. Phillips’ services, and plan on continuing preventative treatment with him. I would not hesitate to seek Dr. Phillips help or advice on any ailments that may arise in the future.
Scott O.
Treated (for): Headaches
Acupuncture was the keystone to my recovery
I would like to take this opportunity to write a brief testimonial for Steve Phillips, L.Ac.
I have worked in the medical field now for 15 years and hold licenses in two healthcare modalities. I’ve had the opportunity to work with many medical doctors and other healthcare professionals and this experience has enriched my knowledge about the human body and many medical treatments and procedures.
Having direct patient contact, my job is quite physical and we are at high risk for musculo-skeletal injuries. I have suffered multiple work related injuries from my job, which had resulted in sciatica from a disc herniation, chronic back pain and chronic shoulder pain.
Surgery was the last resort, so I used both chiropractic and massage therapy. While these were beneficial and offered temporary relief, my condition worsened. Then I heard about acupuncture from a co-worker who had success with it. I was quite skeptical about acupuncture, but I figured that… with my declining condition, what did I have to lose? I would have most likely been unable to continue working the way things were going.
I found Steve in the yellow pages (lucky me) and began treatments in 2003. I honestly laughed after my first treatment because I noticed release in the back muscles which had been in chronic spasm for several years. I continued a steady treatment regimen of chiropractic, massage therapy, and acupuncture. All three are complimentary, but acupuncture was the keystone to my recovery. Steve also taught me special exercises which I will use for the rest of my life which helped bring me out of that trough of pain and suffering.
I’ve seen two sides of treating ailments: western medicine and chinese medicine. With what I know now, I’d opt for acupuncture first and foremost for any aches, pains, and/or injuries before surgery and pills. I still use and highly recommend Steve for his services… try it, you can’t go wrong!
Thank you,
James B., age 47
Treated (for): Shoulder Pain, Sciatica, Pain Management, Muscle Spasms, Disc Herniation and Disc Degeneration, Back Pain - Low, Back Pain - General
Many thanks to Steve!
I have been a patient of Steve’s for about 20 years. Over the years he has treated me successfully for sciatica; he has accelerated me through flu and cold symptoms so that I could return to work instead of having to take days off to endure the illness. Steve also uses acupuncture to calm nerves which is amazing to me. I do not seek acupuncture treatments on a regular basis, but when the need arises we usually succeed. Many thanks to Steve!
B. Carroll
Treated (for): Relaxation, Common Cold
Tangible relief
I began seeing Steve Phillips for acupuncture several months ago. I visited Steve initially with great skepticism to attempt to get relief from chronic depression. I was seeking out anything contrary to the approach with which several doctors had treated me (more and more pills). I was out of hope that I could and would get any better, so I figured it was worth a try. Steve welcomed me into his clinic and demonstrated just how very intuitive he is about how the human body works. With a few questions in the first session, he had honed in on a plethora of symptoms (that all certainly contributed to my depression). I had been ‘dealing with’ these things, as they seemed to be a normal part of my body’s functioning. I began treatment and a few short months later, my skepticism has melted into tangible relief: my digestion is better (I had very chronic IBS), my immune system is stronger, I have not had the allergy problems I typically survive through (and my chronic sinus infections are gone), I deal with stress better. I am no longer surviving as a victim of my body, but in greater harmony with it. I am all-around a more happy person, and this was no small feat! I am so very thankful that I gave Steve and acupuncture a try; I fear what I would be like today had I not.
Ms. Andrea A.
Treated (for): Sinusitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Immune System Strengthening, Digestive Disorders, Depression
Within six treatments I was on my feet again and sleeping well
I am an active 63 years old male. But 8 years ago, I found myself facing two ruptured vertebrae disks in my lower back. I couldn’t walk more than 100 feet before needing to sit down, and the horrific pain was non-stop. Eventually, I found acupuncture. Within six treatments I was on my feet again and sleeping well.
Years later, the discomfort came back. Western doctors offered me surgery, a metal plate encircling my spine and six months of rehabilitation. I chose acupuncture with Steve Phillips, M.A., L.Ac. in Sacramento, and as before, I have experienced significant improvement from pain, nerve damage to my legs and general health.
At the same time, I’ve been fighting wrist tendonitis (heavy computer usage). Thanks to Steve and seven acupuncture treatments, the wrist has been restored to normal. As before, western medicine was offering me nothing more than pills and expensive long-term therapy.
No thank you. I’ll rely on Steve and acupuncture for ailments of this nature. Acupuncture is an ancient form of healing, and for my money, it commands a firm position in modern medicine.
David Logsdon - Carmichael, CA
Treated (for): Wrist Pain, Back Pain - Low
Acupuncture helped us bring a healthy life into this world!
After trying to get pregnant for over a year with no luck, my husband and I decided to seek the help of an infertility doctor. I was put on many different hormones so that I would produce more eggs. We tried artificial insemination a couple of times with no luck. We were getting very frustrated and my mood swings were terrible from all the hormones the doctors were pumping into my body. We had started to take the first steps in planning invitro fertilization, which is very expensive. It would have taken all of our savings and then some.
My husband suggested I see the acupuncture clinic down the hall from his office. This was the best decision we made. So I made an appointment with Steve Phillips, and my husband and I went in to talk with him about our situation. I immediately started acupuncture and took a break from all the hormones and procedures that we had been doing at the infertility clinic. After a few months of acupuncture and my body being free of all the synthetic hormones, I found out I was pregnant! This was one of the happiest days of my life, to realize we had gotten pregnant without artificial help, and with the aid of acupuncture! I always looked forward to the sessions of acupuncture at Steve’s office. He always has soft music to listen to, and a nice atmosphere, which allows you to relax and rest, while you are having the acupuncture done.
After I found out I was pregnant, I immediately called Steve to let him know and thanked him for helping us achieve our goal. He suggested we name our son after him 🙂
9 months later, I gave birth to an 8 pound, 7 ounce little boy. Acupuncture really helped us bring a healthy life into this world! I am grateful I had the opportunity to try this holistic method. It was the best decision I ever made. Thanks, Steve!!
Lauri Gallagher
Treated (for): Infertility
I have lost about 20 lbs the right way, slowly
To whom it may concern: I met Steve by letting my fingers do the walking, and called him because I could pronounce his last name.
I am a diabetic, and at the time my blood sugars were still high, I was out of energy, and things did not function correctly (male parts). I was not sleeping properly, and was up five times at least during the night, and had foul smelling urine. I was drinking large quantities of water, and my weight was out of control.
My blood sugars are now normal, and became normal in three weeks. My sleep is a lot better, I am not as thirsty, my energy level is higher, my urine is normal in color and odor, and I have lost about 20 lbs the right way, slowly. I have changed my diet, and am not quite as hungry.
In short Steve is competent, kind hearted, and I consider him to be one of the best in the health care field, and alternative medicine. I take what he has to say to heart because I believe he has his patients/clients best interest at heart. Any advice he gives I gladly take.
Sincerely and respectfully submitted,
Randall S.
Treated (for): Fatigue, Diabetes
Plagued with chronic neck and upper back pain
In 1978 I rolled and was thrown from a pickup truck. The truck ended up landing on me smashing me from the shoulders down. Since that time I have been plagued with chronic neck and upper back pain. Since 1978 I have tried a number of things to alleviate the pain. I have tried massage, physical therapy, heat, ice, & chiropractic (usually see a chiropractor 20-25 times EVERY year.) While I have got some relief from the pain it is usually short lived. To make matters even worse in 2007 I rolled my car and was again pinned for over an hour half in half out of the car. Pain began spiraling out of control. My neck would get so tight I had a hard time turning to my left at all.
After 10 weeks of chiropractic care this year I talked to my Primary Care physician who recommended physical therapy. I opted to try Acupuncture first and am very glad I did. I felt some relief after the first treatment with Steve and had marked improvement after just 3 visits. By visit number 6 I felt ready to settle in for just maintenance appts as I felt so good.
Steve is Great!
Lisa P.
Treated (for): Neck Pain, Back Pain - Upper, Auto Accident
Acupuncture as an essential piece
Following my diagnosis of fibromyalgia, I was prescribed two medications for pain and needed them around-the-clock. I then received a referral from the South Sacramento Kaiser Pain Clinic to try acupuncture with Steve Phillips. At first I was treated weekly and found that I was moving better with less pain. I dropped back to every other week as the weather warmed and return to the weekly treatments during the cold weather. I now take one pain medication and take fewer of those.
I see acupuncture as an essential piece in fibromyalgia management. Steve Phillips adjusts my treatments according to my symptoms, as my pain varies in both location and severity.
I feel so lucky to have found Steve, not only for his clinical skills. He has the kind of compassion that can handle my grumpiness when I am worse, and a warmth and casual friendliness that allows all to feel comfortable. I highly recommend Steve to all with pain.
Deborah Ruggles, MSN, CFNP
Treated (for): Testimonials from Health Professionals, Fibromyalgia
I can walk a lot further
I came to Steve Phillips for relief of my Peripheral Neuropathy in my feet. I started to get relief on the balls of my feet by the third visit. He really has helped me and now I can walk a lot further without me feet hurting. I have been a diabetic now for 35 years.
Linda E., age 64
Treated (for): Peripheral Neuropathy, Pain Management, Diabetes
The operative word here is treatment
I sought acupuncture for my husband, Bill J’s neuropathy in the left side of his abdomen. This is one of the more unusual sites for diabetic neuropathy and standard medical practice has little to offer besides drugs. After only a few treatments with Dr. Phillips we began to see results and at this writing Bill has had 7 treatments with more than 50 percent improvement in his pain and discomfort as well as a general feeling of well being without the use of drugs. Our appointments with Dr. Phillips are very positive, relaxed and uplifting. I feel that the operative word here is treatment, when you go to Dr. Phillips you are treated for exactly what is troubling you in a pleasant personal and relaxed atmosphere. My husband and I are very pleased with the results of Dr. Phillips’ Acupuncture.
Della J.
Treated (for): Well Being, Peripheral Neuropathy
Allowed me to be much more active
When I met Steve Phillips approximately nine months ago, I was in constant back pain. I was bent over and had to use a cane on a daily basis to even walk across the room. I felt a difference on my 1st treatment. Now since receiving Acupuncture I am no longer bent over in constant pain. I generally walk daily without a cane, with the exception of times I overexert myself lifting or doing yard work (which previously I could do neither). Overall the treatments have changed my life and allowed me to be much more active in the things I enjoy doing. I am deeply thankful.
Ramsey Q., age 55-60
Treated (for): Pain Management, Back Pain - Low, Back Pain - General
Still in shock how quickly Steve was able to “fix” me
At the suggestion of my wife (who has no experience with acupuncture), I decided to try acupuncture. For over a year, I had been suffering with severe diarrhea, nausea, lack of appetite, weight loss, and a complete lack of energy. I’ve been seen by several G.I. specialists, had a myriad of tests, and was given all sorts of medications to help the symptoms. But, no diagnosis, my insurance paying out more than $200,000 in hospital stays, referals to U.C. Davis and UCSF. So, although I was a bit reluctant and a bit skeptical, I decided to make an appointment with Steve. I am still in shock how quickly Steve was able to “fix” me. After the first visit, I felt better. But the symptoms came back after the third day. But after the second treatment a week later, I felt great! I still go to Steve (it has been about 4 weeks now), because I just want to make sure I’m completely cured. Now my wife has an appointment to take care of her headaches.
I also had some stiffness and soreness in my shoulder, and thought I might as well see if Steve could do something for that. It too improved after the first visit, and since the second visit, it has felt great. I am now an absolute believer in acupuncture, and especially a believer in Steve.
Bob W.
Treated (for): Shoulder Pain, General Health, Digestive Disorders
I have gotten my life back
After 25 years of suffering from migraine headaches and trying different medications, I was tired of taking drugs and not getting any long time relief.
My neurologist suggested I try acupuncture. After just a few sessions, I could feel a difference. I’ve been getting acupuncture treatments once per month for several years now and they have reduced the number of migraine headaches incredibly! I would say that the intensity of my migraines have been reduced by 90%. I feel like I have gotten my life back and can spend more time doing things I couldn’t do before. Thanks to acupuncture, I don’t need prescription drugs anymore.
(Thanks Steve!)
Treated (for): Migraine and Tension Headaches, Headaches
Saw 5 different doctors
I was diagnosed with plantar fasciitis and feet neuropathy about 2 years ago with almost constant pain. I saw 5 different doctors for this and did not receive any relief. After a couple months of treatment by Steve Phillips I started getting some relief and am continuing to improve. Steve has also recommended a couple books that have improved my lifestyle and health. Acupuncture is definitely something I will continue to use for my healthcare.
Jack Ferrante DDS
Treated (for): Plantar Fasciitis, Foot Pain
That was 5 years ago and haven’t had a problem with my neck
I had been going to a chiropractor for a year and a half without any results when it was suggested to me to try acupuncture from a co-worker. She recommended Steve Phillips. With the first visit my neck issue was 80%. I went to two more visits and my neck issue was 100%. That was 5 years ago and haven’t had a problem with my neck. I continued to see Steve for other reasons and I have had the same results.
Vickie M.
Treated (for): Neck Pain
Restoring me to better health
I have undergone Western medical treatments for over 20 years for asthma, food and seasonal allergies. These treatments included corticosteroid inhalers, allergy injections, nasal sprays and oral medications. Normally I experienced several sinus and bronchial infections each year which were treated with many antibiotic medications. I also suffered from irregular heart rhythm on a frequent basis.
Since beginning acupuncture treatments 6 months ago, I have begun to experience much improved health. I no longer require the use of any asthma or allergy medications, and the irregular heart rhythm episodes have dramatically diminished. My energy level and skin tone have noticeably changed for the better. After not feeling well for so many years, I am really appreciating the overall sense of well being I now enjoy.
The funny thing is that I only tried acupuncture to keep a friend company who was going to have treatment for the first time. I thought it would be good encouragement and support for him. Little did I know what a life-changing experience it held for me in restoring me to better health.
M.B., Female, age 55-60
Treated (for): Well Being, Hay Fever, Energy Enhancement and Energy Balancing, Cardiac Arrhythmia, Asthma, Allergies, Allergic Rhinitis
Acupuncture is relaxing and restful
I have been receiving acupuncture treatments from Steve Phillips for over 2 years. I began going in order to get relief for lower back pain, and to improve my immune system. Because I have bad allergies, he also began treating my sinus area as well. The back is fine now, but I continue to go for treatments because it really helps clear my sinus area and gives me relief for my allergy symptoms.
I believe it has also helped my immune system. I don’t get sick as often, and when I do get sick – it doesn’t seem to be as bad or lengthy as in the past. I have also done some research and found that boosting the immune system is one of the things that has been studied and proven to be helped by acupuncture.
Acupuncture does not hurt, and is relaxing and restful. I have recommended Mr. Phillips to my friends with allergies, back pain, or chronic pain of any nature.
Rita H., age 56
Treated (for): Relaxation, Immune System Strengthening, Hay Fever, Back Pain - Low, Back Pain - General, Allergies, Allergic Rhinitis
My ankles and wrists significantly improved
Although I am only in my early 50’s, my arthritis problems started about 10 years ago and significantly worsened over the past year. Most significantly affected were my knees, ankles and wrists/hands. After being told by a physician that I “just have to learn to live with arthritis”, I decided to try acupuncture.
I have been receiving treatments from Steve for several months. I didn’t notice that much difference after the first two treatments, but I was amazed at my improvement after the third treatment. The pain and stiffness in my knees completely disappeared. Over the next treatments, my ankles and wrists significantly improved, as well. At this point, I am not taking any pain medications for my arthritis and I can say I am mostly pain-free. I don’t know how it works, but it does.
I would highly recommend Steve’s acupuncture skills and acupuncture in general. My results are far beyond what I expected and I am very grateful.
Michelle Turner
Treated (for): Wrist Pain, Knee Pain, Arthritis, Ankle Pain
Morton’s Neuroma
For over seven years, I suffered from a foot disorder called Morton’s Neuroma. The pain was diabilitating, growing from a sensation like a rock in my shoe to foot swelling and pain requiring bedrest. Unfortunately, I eventually required surgery on my foot to removed a nerve associated with the neuroma condition. I was informed by my surgeon that there was a chance that the nerve pain could possibly return. For the most part, the surgery was successful. Foot swelling and pain were reduced considerably, although I was by no means pain free, nor could I walk any distance.
The surgery was performed in 2007, but by 2009, the pain had not completely subsided, causing lost time from work, and a less than complete lifestyle. I could not walk any distance without foot pain, and I wanted my life back.
In January 2009, I decided to try acunpuncture to relieve, hopefully, some of my foot pain. My doctors informed me that because the problem was on the bottom of my foot, that acupuncture results would be iffy at best. I persisted on wanting to try something “else”, so I contacted Steve Phillips, the acupuncturist recommended to me by my doctor.
Steve sat down with me and had a lengthy discussion about my foot problem and what he could possibly do for me. I had six treatments over a six-week period, and I have been extremely pleased with the results of Steve’s treatments. I can honestly say that I was foot pain free for the first time since 2000. I have resumed regular walking routines and my daily life is not impeded with icepacks and medication any more. Since my initial treatment in 2009, I have had minor foot swelling incidences, but I have not suffered any foot pain since I started with Steve’s treatments.
I am now seeing Steve for another health issue I recently developed, and I have faith that he will be able to bring me back to full health once again
Gail W.
Treated (for): Foot Pain
Suffered from back pain for many years
I have suffered from back pain for many years. I was recently diagnosed with arthritis in my back. Also have neuropathy from chemotherapy. Since previous treatments didn’t seem to help, I decided to try acupuncture. After a few treatments with Steve, I began to feel better. I continued to see him and over a 6 week period, my back pain and neuropathy has significantly diminished; I have more energy and a more positive outlook toward my health and well being. I not only like Steve’s holistic approach, but his great sense of humor makes sessions enjoyable. I am not extremely fond of needles, but the treatments have been immensely beneficial and so I look forward to my treatments! Thanks Steve!
Lee Miller
Treated (for): Peripheral Neuropathy, Back Pain - Low, Back Pain - General
My OB/GYN said that there was nothing he could do for me
When I was 34 weeks pregnant with my second child, I developed sciatica. The pain was so excruciating, that I had to go out on disability. My OB/GYN said that there was nothing he could do for me except give me pain medication, which I refused to take.
I was ready to spend the rest of my pregnancy on bed rest when a friend of mine suggested I try acupuncture. Thankfully, I found Steve Phillips, L.Ac, who gave me my life back. Within two hours of my first treatment, my pain went from an 8 down to a 3. After two more treatments, I am now 38 weeks pregnant and pain free! I am so impressed with the results, that I am definitely going to try acupuncture for treating other health issues in the future. I am truly a believer in acupuncture now!
June 2012
Treated (for): Sciatica
One of the best decisions of my life
Acupuncture has been a real lifesaver! I used to get migraine headaches 3-4 times a week. I tried practically every medication out there including botox injections. Nothing worked… until I was told about Steve Phillips and the Acupuncture Clinic. I figured I had nothing to lose by trying. Steve did a complete review of my medical history and explained how he could help. I didn’t know what to expect, but the treatments DID NOT hurt, and were actually so relaxing I even fell asleep!! After just ONE treatment, the frequency and intensity of the migraines was reduced by 50%. Now, I have a maintenance treatment every 4-5 weeks and rarely get a migraine. Going to the Acupuncture Clinic was one of the best decisions of my life, and Steve is great!!!!
Julie H. , age 35-40
Treated (for): Relaxation, Migraine and Tension Headaches, Headaches
My M.D. said there was nothing he could do to help
I had a very painful outbreak of shingles on one hip bone in front. After the blisters healed, the pain was excruciating, especially when my clothing touched my skin in that area. My M.D. said there was nothing he could do to help, this might last for months. I had four acupuncture sessions with Dr. Steve. Each session reduced my pain by 50%. It was completely gone after the fourth session. What a relief!
Martha Dickson, D.C.
Treated (for): Testimonials from Health Professionals, Shingles, Postherpetic Neuralgia
Steve Phillips’ knowledge/ability changed my pain filled life!
In early November 2011 I experienced a serious pain in my lower back and right leg. the pain was excruciating and I was on my back on the floor and stayed that way getting up only for basic necessities. This lasted for several months. I was taking Flexeral, Soma tablets and Vicodin but none helped much. Aleve helped a little but only for a short time. I then had an MRI and followed up with an Epidural injection. This cortisone shot completely eliminated the pain but relief only lasted 10 days. Excruciating pain was back; In desperation I decided to try acupuncture. Seven 1-hour treatments in seven weeks and my excruciating pain was gone and 2 years later it’s still gone. I still have a week lower back but I exercise, walk and don’t sit for long periods of time.
Acupuncture is only as good as the acupuncturist and Steve Phillips’ knowledge/ability always impressed me and changed my pain filled life!
Charles Fischer
Treated (for): Back Pain - Low
I can sleep comfortably and lead a normal life
I began acupuncture treatment after a minor vehicle crash which caused me neck, shoulder and lower back pain. Physical therapy did not work and seemed to cause me more pain. After a couple of sessions at The Acupuncture Clinic, I began to feel relief. I was sleeping through the night, taking less medication and rating my pain lower and less frequently. I am almost done with my acupuncture sessions and feel wonderful. Steve Phillips from the clinic provides a gentle, relaxing but effective treatment. I have never had acupuncture treatments before but can honestly say that it has helped me with my pain so that I can sleep comfortably and lead a normal life.
Laura G., Elk Grove
Treated (for): Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain, Back Pain - General
I feel so much relief from acupuncture
I have had chronic neck pain for over 4 years. About 2-3 times per month I would wake up in the morning and not be able to move my neck. This made driving pretty much unbearable. I have tried chiropractors, massage therapy, had several sets of x-rays done and completed physical therapy. I didn’t want to change my lifestyle either. I drive a lot, sit at a computer a lot and exercise often. But it seemed like no matter what I tried I would still get neck pain. Nothing worked for me until I started acupuncture about 3 months ago. My friend, who also goes to Steve, referred me to his acupuncture clinic. I feel so much relief from acupuncture. Since I have started acupuncture I have had mornings free of neck pain and its great. Its also a very relaxing experience for me as well. I just about fall asleep during my treatments. I have already started recommending acupuncture to my friends and family.
Thanks Steve!
K. Newbill
Treated (for): Neck Pain
After only 1 treatment the pain subsided to almost nothing
I am 57 years old and approximately 32 years ago I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Over these 32 years, I have suffered the pain, discomfort and sleeping issues that are common with this disease. I slowly stopped doing things I love, like oil painting and gardening. The pain was too much in my hands and back. Over the years, I have tried hundreds of medications prescribe by the doctors, as well as trying most alternative medicine, hoping to relieve this pain. Some help for a few days, but most do nothing.
I was afraid of the needles, so I never tried Acupuncture until a month ago. That was a stupid decision on my part. After only 1 treatment, the pain subsided to almost nothing. I have now had 4 treatments and the pain remains gone. My flexibility is back and I am once again painting and working in the garden. I would recommend Acupuncture to anyone who has any type of on going pain, but especially if you have Fibromyalgia.
Judy H., age 54
Treated (for): Hand Pain, Fibromyalgia, Back Pain - Low, Back Pain - General
I now have a regular life
I am so grateful to Steve for giving me back my regular life. For several years my days were limited because of my need to rest many times a day from several accidents. I now have a regular life, can hike each day and accomplish all I set out to do with minimal rest periods. Thanks, Steve.
Charlene W.
Treated (for): Neck Pain, Auto Accident
Has kept me in the best possible condition
I am a 53 year old woman who trains horses for a living and has a martial arts filled past. In other words, I am a gold mine of old and current injuries, particularly my ankle, shoulders and lower back.
Steve Phillips with his athletic savvy and acupuncture talents has kept me in the best possible condition I need to not only work, but to enjoy life to its fullest. My immune system is better than it’s been in years as well as my general health and energy level. His practice combines a kind concern with a no nonsense view towards health care that is quite refreshing. I certainly recommend it strongly.
Teresa T.
Treated (for): Sports Injuries, Shoulder Pain, Pain Management, Immune System Strengthening, General Health, Energy Enhancement and Energy Balancing, Back Pain - Low, Back Pain - General, Ankle Pain
Helped to relieve my pain
I started seeking alternative treatment for my tendonitis of the elbow which I had substantiated from a work injury. I have tried physical therapy along with a chiropractor in the beginning with no effect. It was acupuncture which helped to relieve my pain. I could feel the improvement after a few treatments. Dr. Phillips, an experienced acupuncturist, came highly recommended by Kaiser Hospital. The treatments were relaxing both mentally and physically. I would highly recommend Doctor Phillips for anyone suffering from chronic pain conditions.
Ken K.
Treated (for): Tennis Elbow, Tendonitis, Relaxation, Lateral Epicondylitis, Elbow Pain
Acupuncture gives me relief from my chronic pain and exhaustion
In the 17+ years since I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, I have spent tens of thousands of dollars on medical specialists, prescription medicines, herbal supplements, and therapies (e.g., biofeedback, hypnosis, massage, magnets, chiropractic treatments, Kinesiology)—with little or no results. My chronic pain, fatigue, and all the other symptoms associated with fibromyalgia continued to worsen. I was referred to Steve Phillips in 2000, after my third car accident in less than one year (hit by a tour bus!). In addition to the injuries sustained to my neck and low back from the accidents, the physical trauma made the fibromyalgia excruciating. After receiving acupuncture treatments from Steve for only a month, I noticed that my pain had lessened and stamina/energy increased. I was able to sit, walk, or stand, for two or more hours at a time and not be in agony. Previously, I could not sit, stand or do anything for more than 20 minutes without having to shift/constantly change position, take pain medications, stop the activity, or lie down.
Acupuncture is one of the few things I have found over all these years that gives me relief from my chronic pain and exhaustion and affords me a more normal life. It’s not just the acupuncture, but Steve has a calming, compassionate, and positive demeanor that is therapeutic. His caring approach, years of expertise in this art, and extensive knowledge of herbs and natural curatives make him a true healer. I have referred Steve to numerous friends and family members who have also had amazing results.
Carol K.
Treated (for): Pain Management, Neck Pain, Fibromyalgia, Fatigue, Energy Enhancement and Energy Balancing, Back Pain - Low, Auto Accident
I felt the difference in my well being
This is my testimonial to the treatment given by Steve Phillips, M.A., L.Ac. Maybe I should tell you my story. I was in an auto accident in 10/2006 and I had chiropractic care for 45 months, it helped for a while and so I saw a massage therapist and that helped for a while, but there were still symptoms that were not getting better, so I went to see a M.D. who took a few tests and found that I had a cervical disc herniation at C-6/C-7. Then I was treated with injections, yoga stretches and exercises with physical rehabilitation. I tried drugs given by my doctor: anti-inflammatory, steroid, melthylprednisone, fletanyl patches, methadone, 12 arvocet. The drugs helped very little and caused me more pain with different symptoms—severe vomiting and abdominal pain. So I have to say that after all of this I was getting very depressed. The feeling of hopelessness was very strong.
That’s when I came to see Steve Phillips, M.A., L.Ac. He is my acupuncturist and so far my life saver! I am feeling very little pain and I am sleeping again, not crying during the day and night or while trying to do my job.
I have only seen him 4 times and its the best I felt since the accident. I pray that he will be able to make me better and not have to have any surgery. I guess time will tell. But if there is anyone out there in pain give acupuncture a try.
It’s not been painful to me in fact after each time, I feel so relaxed, I can think better and do just about everything I used to be able to do again.
I am so very grateful to Steve Phillips for his healing work to my disabling pain. Not only was my body in a great deal of pain, but my mental state was being affected, and after the 2nd treatment I felt the difference in my well being. I have hope for my future again. I hope my story can help you find hope again too.
Sonia R., age 45-50
Treated (for): Well Being, Relaxation, Pain Management, Neck Pain, Disc Herniation and Disc Degeneration
The treatments reduce my stress level and have a calming effect
Last summer I was diagnosed with colon cancer and breast cancer. After two surgeries, six weeks of radiation, tamoxifen medication and my estrogen patch taken away- I was stressed and instantly in full blown menopause. I took every over the counter concoction trying to cure the insomnia and hot flashes but nothing worked. On the recommendation of a family member, I decided that I would give Acupuncture a try. I found Steve through the Internet, and decided to consult with him because of his informative website and training. I am pleased to say that the insomnia has stopped and the hot flashes have diminished. The treatments reduce my stress level and have a calming effect.
Steve was also kind enough to do some allergy treatments and cured a strange random pain in my arm at no additional charge.
Thank you Steve for improving my quality of life!!
Kathleen Conyers, Carmichael
Treated (for): Insomnia, Hot Flashes
Acupuncture is an amazing technique
I have battled depression, chronic insomnia and back pain as long as I can remember. Doctors couldn’t explain the extent of my problems, neither give me medication that would alleviate my symptoms. I was taken 13 different pills a day, to the point that doctors decided to quit prescribing me medication. Nothing helped!
I approached Steve Phillips last February/2008 when I read an article about acupuncture and its amazing results. At first, I have to say, I wasn’t very sure about it as many doctors couldn’t find what was wrong with me, but since I had already given up on traditional medicine, I thought: Why not? What else is there to lose?
First consultation with Steve was a blessing by itself. He spent the longest time just listening to my complains and with great kindness he smiled to me and said not to worry because he was going to help me. I asked about the length of the treatment, having in mind that my doctors treated me for 15 years without success, and Steve calmly answered me that it would take five sessions. I was in dismay, but I was willing to try anything that promised me relief.
Well, I do have to report that Steve was wrong about it. I felt visibly better after the first session. In the second session, my back pain seemed to have vanished. My third session gave me my first night with 8 hours of sound sleep in the last 15 years. My fourth session brought me so much peace and tranquility that I thought I had finally found the cure. After that I felt so much better that I didn’t go back to see Steve for another seven months. Yes, it took less than the predicted five weeks, but hey, no complains there!
Last week I went to see Steve again to balance out my energy as I was getting quite stressed and my back started to hurt again. I had a great session and my back pain and stress vanished a couple hours later. I am happy to report that I no longer take any medications, haven’t had any deppression episode since February, my sleep pattern is 70% better and I had no back pain at all until last week. Acupuncture is an amazing technique that truly works, and Steve is a natural healer. I highly recommend him to everyone, who just like me, is looking for real healing.
Tatiana Moriarty - Elk Grove, CA
Treated (for): Insomnia, Depression, Back Pain - General
Found relief for various injuries
I have been going to Steve Phillips for several years. I am 57 and have found relief for various injuries, including “tennis elbow” and a too-stretched glute muscle.
He has also treated me for allergies, sinus problems, bladder infections and premenstrual symptoms.
Once a month “energy balancing” treatments have helped keep me very healthy for the last few years.
When I was younger and one of my three children experienced continual ear and sinus infections, I grew tired and concerned about all the antibiotics he was consuming. I took him to Dr. Phillips when he was three or four years old. After a year of treatment he has had, to date, no problems. His immune system is very strong and at 18 years of age, he is very healthy.
I cannot recommend Steve Phillips more highly.
I also want to thank him for informing me of acupuncture for age-related problems of the face. It took at least five treatments before I began to notice improvement. But there it was—especially in the texture, the brown lines, and the sagginess of my skin. I had a lapse of treatment for a few months, but my skin seemed to stay firm. I have begun sessions again with Steve for continued improvement.
Diane A.
Treated (for): Tennis Elbow, Sinusitis, Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), Pediatric Acupuncture, Hay Fever, General Health, Energy Enhancement and Energy Balancing, Elbow Pain, Cosmetic Acupuncture, Allergies, Allergic Rhinitis
I couldn’t believe how well acupuncture really works
Having hives is horrible with the horrendous itching & scratching, making it very difficult to be out in public without making a spectacle of myself. I went to the doctor for help, and she gave me some anti-itch medicines that
didn’t really help. So, one day I was at a Natural Foods store and I found some books on natural remedies. A book for healing infections said to use acupuncture. Well, my mom, who is a client of Dr. Steve Phillips, had suggested him before, so I decided to give it a try: I never really did trust that acupuncture would work. I went to Dr. Phillips, he did the pricks, and I went home with a scheduled appointment for one week afterward. The hives immediately went away within a day, and for the remaining week basically I itched only when I sweat. I couldn’t believe how well acupuncture really works.
Elk Grove, CA
Treated (for): Hives
Decreased the pain tremendously!
A couple of years ago, I injured my thumb joint. The pain was excruciating. The acupuncture treatments that Steve provided decreased the pain tremendously! I was able to return to work and to take less pain medication (motrin and tylenol). I have recommended it to some of my patients, too.
Patti Tilton M.D.
Treated (for): Testimonials from Health Professionals, Tendonitis, Hand Pain
Pain seems to have lessened considerably
Fred P. has been doing acupuncture with Steve Phillips for several months. His pain from neuropathy has been disabling through the past years.
He tried acupuncture years ago with another health provider and it was not successful!
Fred was taking ice baths during the night to try to deaden the pain. The Florin Pain Clinic suggested trying acupuncture again. Fred was skeptical—but willing to try anything. His pain seems to have lessened considerably. The positioning of the needles is different from before. He has found the sessions relaxing and the pain threshold less often reached.
Thank you,
Cheryl G.P.
Treated (for): Peripheral Neuropathy
Moving without pain
Steve was gracious enough to see me on a Sunday when my lower back pain spiked to about 8.5. He understood the problem immediately and with each needle the spasms relaxed. I was impressed with his skill with the needles, all I felt was the tap. Within 24 hours I was moving without pain.
Marty Castleberg
Treated (for): Back Pain - Low
Our family’s acupuncturist
Steve has been our family’s acupuncturist for more than 15 years, treating me, my mother and father, and two grandmothers over the years. He is a gifted healer, and approaches us with kindness and a gentle touch. He also has a great sense of humor. I always look forward to our appointments.
E. B.
Sacramento, CA
Treated (for): General Health
I am very glad to have my life back
July 11, 2007
I first came to Steve Phillips Acupuncture Clinic in January of this year with severe head pain as a result of a bout with the shingles. The shingles had left me with a damaged nerve on the left side of my forehead. The pain was excruciating and my traditional medicine provider suggested steroid injections directly into my head as the best treatment for the pain. The side effects were numerous and I opted to seek alternative treatments.
Steve started me on twice weekly acupuncture treatments with small needles placed in a circular pattern on my forehead going outward from the center of the pain. We continued this for about a month and then as the pain began to lessen we went to weekly treatments. I still have some pain but I have regained feeling to most of my forehead and I am now able to deal with the pain and numbness that is left. I am still being treated by Steve but we have moved the treatments to every other week and I plan to continue with this regimen until I am pain free. I don’t profess to understand the healing methodology of acupuncture but I am glad I tried it and I am very glad to have my life back.
Dwayne B., age 60
Treated (for): Shingles, Postherpetic Neuralgia, Facial Pain
Thank you Steve for making me feel so much better
If like me you’ve spent loads of money and time seeing the doctor for chronic fatigue, sore throat and painful glands, headaches, PMS and depression and nothing seems to help, I would look no further than this website and make an appointment to see Steve for some acupuncture. I got mono while I was living in England which over time turned in to Chronic Fatigue, a feeling of absolute exhaustion. Not the kind where you’ve been out late the night before, an exhaustion that makes you feel like you can’t get out of bed at all. You have headaches, sore throats, feel shivery and the feeling does not go away like the flu does after a few days. The symptoms for me have often been worse leading up to my period. I began having acupuncture in the UK and after I moved to Sacramento I decided to find an acupuncturist here as it had helped me so much in London. I can honestly say I feel like a different person. I have energy from the start of a working day to the end, my glands rarely hurt, my PMS is hugely better and I rarely have days where I just need to sleep all the time. I look forward to my acupuncture appointment as it is so relaxing. Steve is great and is so professional. Thank you Steve for making me feel so much better.
Hannah K.
Treated (for): Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), Fatigue, Energy Enhancement and Energy Balancing
My Neurologist had told me not to do any painting
My Mom, in her 80’s, had seen Steve Phillips for her back pain and found acupuncture was quite helpful. Since I’d had such trouble with neck pain and couldn’t seem to find any permanent relief I was desperate. My Neurologist had told me not to do any painting, but being stubborn and since it needed to be done, I had painted the ceiling in the bathroom! Since my Parkinson’s diagnosis, complicated by Dystonia over 5 years ago, I was determined not to let my disease take over my life. As a result, I have been fortunate in working with my medical “team” to employ a whole body wellness approach and I believe my overall health has been improved greatly. When I began having so much neck pain, my neurologist had suggested I try acupuncture. I told him I knew a good acupuncture doctor and called for an appointment. Since I began seeing Steve in October 2007 I have also noticed my tremor has lessoned too. Of course, I’m still on medication (which I’m working on reducing); I see my neurologists regularly and my chiropractor, and try to have a massage every now and then. But I look forward to my acupuncture every 3 weeks and find that if I have a particular area that I feel needs work, all I have to do is mention it and relief is on it’s way. I’ve told many of my friends about acupuncture and recommend it for anyone, especially if you have any kind of stress in your life. Stress just makes any disease or condition worse, so try acupuncture—you’ll be glad you did.
Dorothy W.
Treated (for): Tremors, Neck Pain
Permanent smoking cessation!
Dear Steve,
On June 11, 2008, I marked two months of smoke-free living in my home!
After the treatment I received on April 11 I did have a few urges to smoke “just one more cigar,” but found that easy to avoid as I had mailed all “left-over” cigars to a friend in Pennsylvania. I now have no such urges and haven’t had “the shakes”, “screaming mimies” or other like withdrawal symptoms.
This is my second Acupuncture treatment. The first was in 1984 for cigarette addiction performed by Dr. Joon K. Nam. I have not smoked nor had the urge to smoke a cigarette and, frankly, dislike the smell of cigarette smoke since that treatment 24 years ago.
I am extremely well pleased with the results of your treatment. The procedure was totally painless and, frankly, I “slept through” most of the session. WONDERFUL! I do enjoy a good, deep, restful sleep. I was rather pleasantly surprised at how relaxing the whole procedure was in general.
I am more than extremely well pleased with the SUCCESS!
I highly recommend acupuncture as the treatment for permanent smoking cessation! No pills, patches or partial results. it is just a firmly based, ancient treatment that helps to stop smoking and curb nicotine dependence. Having “been there” and “done that”, quite frankly, I know it works.
Please feel free to use this letter to encourage others to divest themselves from one of the most disabling and harmful things the colonists found in the “New World.”
cc: Carl Clayson, MD
Jonathan Hemphill, MD
Richie Wong, MD
Julian E. Nicols
Treated (for): Stop Smoking
Very professional
Steve Phillips has been treating me for around two years assisting me to cope with several chronic medical issues of mine, which include chronic low back pain, a rotator cuff problem in my shoulder, and anxiety. I can say without any doubt that Steve is very professional and has a deep concern for his patients. Prior to each session, Steve is sure to evaluate me and makes sure to address any issues that are currently hindering me. He is then able to adjust my treatment so that I’m able to gain the maximum benefit from the session. Steve has always clearly explained his recommended treatment with me and made sure that I was comfortable with his suggestion before proceeding.
Through the past two years with regular acupuncture treatments I have found that most of my medical issues are much easier to manage. The back and shoulder pain is much improved. In addition, each session has allowed me the time to grow through the solitude and quiet music which allows me to easily fall into a meditative state and focus on my body and spirit. This greatly helps my anxiety.
I would highly recommend to someone who is having difficulty maintaining any medical issue to sincerely consider Steve Phillips Acupuncture Clinic. It truly is an incredible alternative method of treatment to utilize in conjunction with your current medical treatments.
Todd M.
Treated (for): Shoulder Pain, General Health, Back Pain - General, Anxiety
Significant relief
Acupuncture has helped me immensely with ongoing chronic health issues. The treatments provide me with significant relief from arthritis by improving mobility and joint stiffness. I have also experienced relief from sinus discomfort. Acupuncture, with its gentle and natural approach, gives me a peaceful sense of well-being.
I recommend that people give acupuncture treatments a try and see for themselves the benefits.
Geri M.
Treated (for): Well Being, Hay Fever, General Health, Arthritis, Allergic Rhinitis
Fever at 104°
Several years back, I came home after having been out with friends to a “foreign food” restaurant I had never tried before, and that evening I got sick, and fell asleep on my living room floor.
I didn’t wake up. I never made it in to work, and I never missed as I had the keys. My boss and one of her friends pounded on my door until I awoke, groggy and foggy, sick. They took me to Kaiser where I was tested for Spinal Meningitis, but had negative results. I was terribly dehydrated so they put four bags of saline in me. As the Kaiser crew failed to find the problem, they advised I take Tylenol and go home. I did and kept getting sicker, fever at 104°. Also, I had no appetite and could not hold down food.
So my boss and friend took me to see Steve Phillips: He looked at my tongue, eyes, skin, asked me if I had eaten any place new, I said “yes”, and as I recall, he said, “I think you have Yang Ming fever”…ok. He did some acupuncture on me, mixed up some awful tasting concoction of roots or whatever, which I drank, and lay there for about 2 hours.
Over the third hour my fever came down, I got hungry and could speak coherently again. In a few days I was back on my feet. I truly believe Steve Phillips saved my life, and Kaiser, was just a bit off course on this one.
Thanks Steve! Best wishes and prosperity!
Dave Lynch
Guitar Workshop
Sacramento, CA
Since 1996
Treated (for): General Health, Fever
Really hate needles!
I really hate needles! That tells you how difficult it was for me to go to an Acupuncturist.
My husband had gone to Steve Phillips with great success, so I gave him a try. I had tennis elbow and was in a lot of pain. After five visits, the pain was gone and it never came back. My next visit, some years later, was for shoulder pain on one side and arm pain on the other side. I waited three months to call Steve. By that time, the pain was severe. Again, five visits and it was gone.
I am now seeing him for lower back pain. I have no doubt that it will be gone soon.
I have recommended Steve to several friends. They have also been relieved of their pain.
I still hate needles, but continue to go to Steve for permanent relief of my aches.
Evelyn J.
Treated (for): Tennis Elbow, Shoulder Pain, Lateral Epicondylitis, Elbow Pain, Back Pain - Low, Back Pain - General, Arm Pain
No negative side effects
Hello Steve,
Thank you for asking me to do an acupuncture testimonial. My personal story is an example of the timelessness of acupuncture.
I practiced acupuncture as a physician in Romania 25 years ago. At that time it was something new and people used it to treat their chronic diseases along with Western medicine. At that time, very few physicians had been trained to do acupuncture, but the few practitioners achieved success and people were willing to pay for this treatment, even with government sponsored healthcare.
When I came to the United States, I continued to work in the healthcare field, but stopped my acupuncture practice. Working in the healthcare arena can be very stressful and one of the symptoms of this stress are migraine headaches. The migraines I had before starting acupuncture treatment were debilitating. I was taking medication for the migraines, but it was not very effective. One day, somebody gave me the advice to try acupuncture. I said to myself,”How in the world could I forget about that?” So, I ended up at Steve Phillips acupuncture practice. I had suffered from migraines for more than fifteen years, but after a few sessions with Steve I saw immediate results; less severity and less occurrence of migraines.
Besides migraines, I also receive treatment for arthritis in my knees. The pain relief has been considerable.
Due to my experience I personally encourage people to use this ancient and classical Asian way of treatment. Unlike conventional medication, acupuncture has no negative side effects.
Vasilica Micsunescu
Treated (for): Testimonials from Health Professionals, Migraine and Tension Headaches, Knee Pain, Headaches
Limped into his office, and then walked out as if I never had a problem
In 2004 I began acupuncture treatments with Steve Phillips for muscle pains related to arthritis in my leg and hip. Very often I have limped into his office, and then walked out as if there had never had a problem. During those visits he would often treat a stiff neck as well as a sore thumb which was interfering with piano performances.
Sometimes he has combined treatments for carpal tunnel with a basic energy treatment which has never failed to improve my spirits. Presently, he is treating me for IBS symptoms and there has been much improvement in just three sessions. In addition, after a recent total hip replacement, he is treating my lower back (sacroiliac joint) and helping my knees to recover from misalignment pains which resulted from compensating for that worn out hip.
I am very grateful to Steve for taking away so much pain and diminishing the need for medication, and for doing so with good humor, a very caring heart, and much professionalism.
Many thanks, Steve
Linda D., age 66
Treated (for): Pain Management, Neck Pain, Knee Pain, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Hip Pain, Hand Pain, Digestive Disorders, Back Pain - Low, Back Pain - General, Arthritis
Today I feel strong
After a fall two years ago, doctors found signs of multiple sclerosis. Ever since then, Steve has been treating me for that as well as back and leg pain and weakness. Today I feel strong and stable, and I look forward to my future with confidence and enthusiasm. The acupuncture has also helped me a lot with stress and anxiety.
J.G., Female, age 45-50
Treated (for): Stress Management, Sciatica, Multiple Sclerosis, Back Pain - Low, Back Pain - General, Anxiety
Noticed a remarkable difference
While training for a half marathon I began to experience a constant pain in my upper hamstring. The pain became so bad I was unable to bend over. After my first acupuncture treatment with Steve I noticed a remarkable difference and after the third was experiencing no pain at all. I have been able to consistently train for several different races with no problems whatsoever.
Acupuncture has also helped me sleep better at night. I no longer wake up during the night and when I get up in the morning I feel refreshed and am able to accomplish more during the day.
Thanks for everything, Steve!
Molly K., Female, age 30-35
Treated (for): Sports Injuries, Insomnia, Hamstring injury
Gives me more energy
Acupuncture is very relaxing and gives me more energy, pain relief and a general feeling of well-being.
The treatments are given in a peaceful and very supportive atmosphere.
Mrs. J. B., age 69
Treated (for): Well Being, Stress Management, Relaxation, Pain Management, Energy Enhancement and Energy Balancing
I was sick and tired of being sick and tired
The interesting thing about acupuncture is that you don’t necessarily have to believe in it. Sure it always helps if you truly believe, but for me, I had no strong feelings about it one way or another. When I found Steve Phillips, I was at the point where I figured I’ll give this a try since conventional Western medicine and even naturopathic, holistic, and integrative medicine had not helped me much. I was discouraged, burned out and weary from searching for solutions to my health challenges.
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put me back together again.
After spending what I’ll just call “an embarrassing amount of $$” on two naturopaths in Mid-Town Sacramento as well as two other practitioners in the Bay Area, I somehow stumbled upon Steve’s website one day while doing some research on the Internet. I sent him an e-mail to set up an appointment. I hoped this new approach would help but I wasn’t going to get my hopes up anymore. That was even too much trouble. Well, this “on the fence” believer was shocked when after about five treatments, my health changed dramatically for the better. Wow! This really works! Steve was able to quickly focus in on the problems, put together a treatment plan and do what all these other doctors and naturopaths had not been able to do — put me back together again.
My main issues were fatigue, malaise, digestive problems, Candida, thyroid. No wonder nobody could help me as that’s quite a list. But you see, that’s the wonderful thing about acupuncture. It’s all about stimulating the correct energy points just enough (I think Steve calls these Meridian Points) throughout the body and thereby bringing about balance and harmony to the entire system.
I have my life back!
Steve recommended treating the Candida with anti-fungals/Chinese herbs but everything else he treated with acupuncture. I’m not the same tired person I was the first day I walked into the clinic. Today I have more energy and just a greater sense of well being overall. My digestion has improved and continues to get better. A few tiny needles vs. a ton of overpriced “natural” supplements. Who knew. Hey, life is good again!
Steve Phillips
During my long journey to take control of my health, I’ve met many health practitioners, but I can honestly say that I’ve never met anyone who is so passionate about his work and has such a genuine compassion for his patients. I feel so safe and comfortable talking with Steve because he really listens to my concerns and never passes judgment. He is extremely intelligent, intuitive and gifted at his life work. He is open-minded, supportive, professional and willing to go that extra mile if needed. I call him the Magic Man with the magic hands. He knows exactly where and how to place each needle to make me feel better and bring about the healing that I need.
I believe in acupuncture and I believe that I have finally found a therapist who cares about my health and well being. Thank you, Steve. I appreciate you so very much!
Sacramento, CA
Treated (for): Well Being, General Health, Fatigue, Energy Enhancement and Energy Balancing, Digestive Disorders
No inflamed joints since starting the treatment
I am a young woman who has suffered with rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia for over three years. Over that time I’ve been on methotrexate, steroids, Enbrel, and a variety of other medications to try to help control my condition, none of which have been particularly successful.
I never bought into the idea that rheumatoid arthritis was a lifetime sentence. And I’ve been trying to heal myself for the entire three years. I had some success with changing my diet, exercise, and lifestyle. I stopped having flare ups when I stopped eating wheat for instance. I had also been able to get off the enbrel shots when I started drinking green drinks and cut out several other foods I found affected my joints.
However, I wasn’t seeing any more results with diet alone, and decided to try acupuncture at Steve’s office.
I went into his office with daily, constant pain. I could barely use my elbows and my knees and back would occasionally act up as well. I was taking 7 methotrexate (a high dose according to my rheumatologist) and getting occasional shots in various joints to try and lessen the swelling.
The first time I went in, I was a bit nervous – even though I’d had an acupuncture treatment once before. But Steve was relaxed, knowledgeable, and had such an easy way about him, that the feeling quickly passed. The treatment itself was much simpler and less involved than I’d expected – just a few needles I could barely feel. But I left feeling relaxed, calm, and less stressed than I’d felt in several months.
I would like to say that healing of my joints was instant, that all the pain went away immediately, but that’s not exactly how it worked for me. I can say that that even with the first treatment, I did feel like something had shifted in my body, but the change in my joints took a few sessions.
The healing of my joints was gradual, a process I didn’t even realize was happening until it had come. By about the third week, I started to notice I felt lighter, my back didn’t act up as much, my elbows straightened out a bit more. Not only did my joints begin to improve, but I felt more clear headed, and more at ease.
The second month only got better. My joints started straightening out completely, I stopped having chronic inflammation in my elbows, and my pain was becoming less in weekly stages. I even called up my rheumatologist and asked if I could lower the dose of methotrexate somewhat. Slowly and surely my energy, my hopefulness, and my vibrance was coming back. I felt as if I’d been given a new lease on life.
I’m at the end of my third month of treatment now, and feeling better than ever. I’m now down to taking only three methotrexate, and wouldn’t be surprised if I am able to stop taking it entirely over the next few months. I haven’t had a day in the last month that I couldn’t use my elbows and I have had no inflamed joints since starting the treatment. My days of getting shots to correct inflammation are over.
I have been so impressed with Steve’s wisdom and his healing ability that I’ve even decided to become an acupuncturist myself.I have been given a gift that’s value can not be summed up with words. But for those of you who understand what living with rheumatoid arthritis means, perhaps this will do: The pain is gone.
Steve has given me back my life, both physically and spiritually, I can’t truly repay that gift, but perhaps one day I can pay it forward and help others in the same way.
Treated (for): Knee Pain, General Health, Energy Enhancement and Energy Balancing, Elbow Pain, Arthritis
Relief from phantom pains
I started getting relief from phantom pains in my amputated leg almost immediately. Steve Phillips has really helped me with these pains.
Donald E., age 69
Treated (for): Phantom Limb Pain, Pain Management
Treatment completely released the spasm
I have had back spasms caused by tension for the last 40 years. I discovered in my 20’s that acupuncture was just as effective as muscle relaxants but had no side effect. (Muscle relaxants always made me feel unpleasantly nauseous and drowsy.)
The occurrence of spasms had slowly decreased over the years. However, when I lost my job last summer, the spasms returned. Between September and December, I had 5 absolutely debilitating spasms, one after another, each lasting a week or more. By the fifth spasm, I was desperate to find some relief. My good luck was in finding Steve Phillips.
I was astounded after my first visit with Steve because his treatment completely released the spasm. Previously, acupuncture (and medication) had reduced the pain of spasms and shortened my recovery time, but had never been this effective. Although my muscles were sore, the spasm was, in fact, gone.
Since that first treatment, I have continued periodic treatments to relieve and manage my stress and have not had a single back spasm. Quite amazing.
Steve Phillip is a uniquely talented acupuncturist; he has my whole-hearted recommendation.
Linda B.
Treated (for): Muscle Spasms, Back Pain - Low, Back Pain - General
Stress levels are minimal after I leave Steve’s office
Re: Steve Phillips
I am a patient of Steve Phillips. I came to him with complaints of lipoma of the neck and leg, and stress levels that bring on panic attacks.
Since coming to Steve, the lipoma in my leg has dissipated and the one in my neck is half its size. I believe it would be smaller than that, but due to my constant travel schedule and my failure to keep all of my appointments, he has not had a chance to fully focus on it like he would like to.
My stress levels are minimal after I leave Steve’s office. I am calm and at peace. When Steve first started seeing me, I was WIRED (for lack of a better word)…now I relax and fall asleep on the table, and leave feeling great.
I have been to 2 other acupuncturists over the last 10 years. Never once did I leave their offices feeling relaxed.
I enjoy seeing Steve because I can communicate with him. He answers any questions or concerns I may have. He an understanding and kind person. He’s great at what he does and he clearly enjoys what he does for his patients.
I recommend Steve to my own patients as well as friends who live in this area.
Lori W., age 45-50
Treated (for): Stress Management, Relaxation, Panic Attacks, Lipoma, Anxiety
Acupuncture treatments for me are working
In January 2006 I underwent a laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass at Kaiser Hospital in South San Francisco. The pre screening, counseling and ultimately the surgery went according to plan and was very successful. It probably saved my life due to the morbidities I was dealing with. And “yes”, I would recommend this procedure to others if they had the right reasons. And “yes”, I would recommend the Kaiser team there to friends and family.
Unfortunately when I awoke from surgery I felt a very uncomfortable pain in my left shoulder. It has taken me all this time to finally get some type of real relief. Medical doctors have prescribed Salsalate, Lyrica, Vicodin, Tramadol, Celexa and other OTC INSIDS. All of these would provide a temporary solution but the pain always seemed to return. One MD advised me I had minor RA in my shoulders confirmed the diagnosis with a scan and surgery was advised. I was at wits end! I did not want additional surgeries.
Reading on the web, I discovered other Post Roux-en-Y gastric bypass patients were experiencing similar shoulder and neck pain. I am not sure there is a solid connection between the two but to me it is just too coincidental. I was tired of sleeping in the chair at night since every time I would lie down in bed the chronic pain would return. My life was hell.
Browsing on the web for alternative solutions I located Steve Phillips and emailed him for his advice. My first acupuncture treatment provided immediate relief that evening. Followed by sessions every 2 to 3 weeks my pain level has dropped considerably. As of this testimonial I am now on 4 week cycles. And I am not taking any of the drugs I was previously taking for pain control. I have continued the use of Trazadone to help me sleep since my sleep patterns were all out of sync.
I plan to continue to receive my acupuncture treatments and manage my chronic pain, and not let the pain killers manage me. Acupuncture treatments for me are working and I am not reluctant to refer anyone to Steve or his peers around the country.
This last weekend I actually did yard work, no pain and I was able to get a good night’s rest.
Thanks Steve…
Bruce Borton
Citrus Heights, CA
Treated (for): Shoulder Pain, Pain Management
Cortisone had not solved my problem
I have been an acupuncture client of Steve Phillips since 1995. I had been referred to him from a massage therapist for a knee problem. Two shots of cortisone had not solved my problem. Steve worked his magic and I was able to return to my career of teaching little children to dance. He has helped me recover from other problems such as a major painful stomach disorder, shingles, nasal congestion and various other problems.
I moved a few years ago and have tried other therapists in other areas of the country but find that they do not have the healing power of Steve. When I return to Sacramento, my first phone call is to Steve for my general tune up. It just makes sense to keep the energy points flowing free to continue having the highest quality of life. You who live in this area are blessed to have the highest quality of “acupuncture by Steve.”
Deanna N.
Treated (for): Stomach Pain, Shingles, Knee Pain, Hay Fever, Digestive Disorders, Allergic Rhinitis
After a few appointments I was amazed at how good I started feeling
I was a skeptic at first because, I had tried another form of acupuncture and found it only helped a small amount, but my husband’s back had gone out on him and he could barely walk. A friend told us about Steve Philips’ acupuncture clinic and my husband had tried the chiropractor and was in even more pain, so we called Steve. We walked in with my husband bent over and in pain hoping he would walk out with less pain and better posture.
When my husband walked out straight and with less pain I was a believer and made an appointment for myself because I was suffering daily with Interstitial Cystitis (IC) and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
I had been seeing many doctors for my issues and only resulted in taking more medication and not relieving much of the pain. After a few appointments I was amazed at how good I started feeling. With help from the acupuncture and Steve knowing just where to treat my problems, I actually started feel better than I had in years. Then when I started getting cold or started feeling bad I would call and my symptoms would disappear within a day.
Before seeing Steve I had a weekend immune system and if I caught a cold or the flu I was down for at the least a week. Now if I feel I am getting sick or I am in pain from the IC and IBS I call him have a treatment. I am either better when I walk out or within a couple of days.
I have watch co-workers, friends and family get sick and when they are on their second bottle of antibiotics or even their first I am over it and never even took any antibiotics.
I call Steve my miracle worker, I know he doesn’t like to be called that, but it has helped me tremendously. I take less medication and feel healthier than ever.
If you are reading this you are on the web site and considering treatment, well I wholeheartedly believe you need to call and make an appointment, walk in with an open mind and let the acupuncture work for you because it will. Once Steve listens to your reason for being there he will find the right spot and start treatment, it may take a couple of treatments, but you will be amazed at how you will feel.
Mary B.
Treated (for): Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Immune System Strengthening, Digestive Disorders, Back Pain - Low
I used a walker until I saw Steve Phillips
I had never had acupuncture before and never thought I would. However, March 17, 2007 I was cleaning the garage out and my back was hurting before I was done. A few hours later I could hardly move without pain. I had problems in the 2005 but physical therapy and one spinal epidural (steroid) injection put me back on my feet. This time I had 2 epidurals and physical therapy and lots of pain medication. Besides having pain in the back my left leg would give out and I had severe leg cramps. I used a walker until I saw Steve Phillips and had my first treatment with acupuncture. So after being in a walker for 4 months in order to get around I am one very happy lady. I would and have recommended acupuncture to anyone that is living on pain pills and not getting better. Thanks Steve for giving me back my life, I can once again enjoy shopping, concerts and vacation, let alone day to day living.
Linda S.
Treated (for): Sciatica, Back Pain - General
My hot flashes have reduced by 90%
My name is Isabel Hurley, I had a double mastectomy between sept/oct of last year. After the first operation I starting to have hot flashes and I couldn't sleep and began getting in bad moods from the lack of sleep. A friend of mine recommended having acupuncture to see if it would help with my situation. I went to see Dr. Steve and after 3 months of treatment I can really say that my hot flashes have reduced by 90% and I have been getting a good night's rest. Thank you Dr. Steve for your knowledge and your patience.
Isabel Hurley
Treated (for): Hot Flashes
Pain in my left foot
I am a runner who recently had to cease doing what I love doing due to plantar fasciitis. During a 1/2 marathon, around mile 11, I began experiencing a tremendous amount of pain in my left foot. I finished the race, but could barely walk. I could put no pressure on my heel whatsoever. Although I iced the affected area, took ibuprofen, elevated & “babied” my foot, I felt no relief to the constant pain. I was not interested in conventional methods of treatment, e.g. cortisone injections, so I decided to try acupuncture. I’d never had acupuncture before, so did not know what to expect.
I was pleasantly surprised that my foot felt approximately 50% better after the first treatment. After the second treatment, my pain level was about 10% of what it had been. Now, after my third treatment, I’m back running again! I was astonished to see such a rapid rate of response to acupuncture treatment. I am now quite a proponent of acupuncture & will share my story with anyone who asks (and even some who don’t!)
Thank you,
Treated (for): Sports Injuries, Plantar Fasciitis, Foot Pain
I didn’t want my knee to be injected with steroids so I thought I’d try acupuncture
Getting older I found I had tweaked my knee as my body went one way and my knee stayed put. It was really painful and I felt tired and frustrated and like I was just getting old. I didn’t want my knee to be injected with steroids so I thought I’d try acupuncture. Nothing is instant, but I found each treatment I had such a huge difference. It’s been over a month and I can walk without limping, can sleep though the night and am not taking meds. Steve also worked on my tiredness as my thyroid labs were low but not enough for my PCP to prescribe anything. I showed a fast response in feeling more energized and less tired.
All in all this was a great choice and I would seek acupuncture for any ‘new’ issues that come along.
Susan Sutherland RN - UC Davis Medical Center
Treated (for): Knee Pain
With acupuncture treatments, I have regained some of the strength in my legs
I had polio when I was 14 months old. Between the ages of 4 and 17, I had 18 orthopedic operations. Many people who have polio start experiencing muscle weakness and burning in their extremities about 30 years after the onset of polio. I am fortunate that I did not start to experience these symptoms until I was 62. There were no treatments available for these symptoms with traditional medicine. During my internship in graduate school, I was introduced to the power of acupuncture. About a year ago, I was experiencing significant weakness in my legs and knew that I would not be able to walk much longer. With acupuncture treatments, I have not only continued to walk, but I have regained some of the strength in my legs and my balance has improved, and I no longer have the feeling that I am going to fall. Steve Phillips establishes a relationship with his patients and you know you are a partner in the therapy.
Robert M. Harris, Ph.D., Clinical Rehabilitation Psychology
CEO, Institute for Advancing Unity & UNITY Lab
dba Capital Unity Council
Treated (for): Testimonials from Health Professionals, Post Polio Syndrome
I no longer dread the spring season
I began to suffer from seasonal allergies when I moved to Sacramento about 15 years ago. My symptoms became worse every year until I was a complete mess every spring, with itchy, watery eyes; a runny nose; constant sneezing; an itchy palate; and wheezing at night. Before I tried acupuncture, I tried a variety of allergy medications. They helped, but I didn’t like the side effects, particularly the way they dried out my sinuses. About ten years ago, I decided to try acupuncture, and it worked. Acupuncture relieves my symptoms as well as if not better than the allergy medications I had tried, and there are no side effects. Now I see Steve Phillips for several treatments every winter before the spring allergy season hits. I no longer dread the spring. In fact, I enjoy it! I recommend acupuncture to everyone I know who suffers like I did from seasonal allergies.
Dana Heinrich
Treated (for): Hay Fever, Allergies, Allergic Rhinitis
Acupuncture has helped manage the pain
I have been treated with Acupuncture for the past 10 years. I originally started using Acupuncture to help manage the pain from sciatic nerves in my lower back from a disc problem. When my tendonitis in my elbow flared up Acupuncture helped that as well. I suffered a bad fall and broke my tibia and femur; Acupuncture has helped manage the pain that radiates in my knee and leg. Acupuncture even helps with the common cold.
Linda S.
Treated (for): Tennis Elbow, Sciatica, Pain Management, Lateral Epicondylitis, Knee Pain, Elbow Pain, Disc Herniation and Disc Degeneration
No pain pills
I consider Steve Phillips as the MIRACLE MAN of my right arm. After two Kaiser Physicians recommended surgery on my right shoulder rotator cuff, I refused and opted for painful physical therapy which did nothing but created more pain, I sought help from Acupuncture. As a result, after just 7 treatments from Steve, I regain full circular use of my right arm. I was able to again, extend my arm out front, side and backward from my body, sleep on my right side, reach above my shoulders, and carry my cane and return to work. When the pain flares up, normally every three years, I return for another set of treatments. It is great, no pain pills, just tiny hair like needles that are almost painless.
Thanks Steve for your personal and professional touch.
Sylvia S., Ph.D.
Treated (for): Testimonials from Health Professionals, Shoulder Pain, Pain Management
Worth a try
Six years ago when I relocated to Sacramento, I expected that to have allergy issues with my outside activities. It did happen and I needed over the counter allergy pills and nose spray to get through the seasons. I found that the medication was had negative side effects and wanted a better solution. I had tried acupuncture before for other conditions and was convinced that it would be worth a try. I researched the area and decided that Steve Phillips had the depth of experience and training that might help me. As I now conclude my second year with him I no longer need pills and nose spray. In fact, I have been allergy medicine free in 2010.
Steve has also been helping me extensively with a tennis elbow injury and temporary hearing loss. Both conditions have shown improvement through his treatment. I highly recommend Steve Phillips as a very professional and caring practitioner of acupuncture.
Peter T.
Treated (for): Tennis Elbow, Hearing Loss and Tinnitis, Hay Fever, Allergic Rhinitis
I could not ask for better results
As someone who is new to acupuncture, I can’t tell you how happy I am with both the painless procedure and the results.
I fell on my right hip some four weeks ago and have been in terrible pain since that time. A visit to my Dr. only resulted in my getting a prescription for some powerful pain medication.
After having just three acupuncture treaments, the pain is completely gone, and I again feel like a normal human being. I could not ask for better results.
Please feel free to use my reply as an endorsement of not only the ancient science and practice of acupunture, but also to you as a true professional.
Virginia F.
Treated (for): Hip Pain
Treated my sciatica with acupuncture
March through July of last year (2006) Steve Phillips, L.Ac. treated my sciatica with acupuncture. Very successful. I still enjoy the relief.
Bonnielynn R., July, 2007
Treated (for): Sciatica
After my first treatment with Steve, the relief was tremendous
I met Steve Phillips over 10 years ago during Martial Arts training. I began to visit Steve because I was looking for a healthier alternative to Western medicine. Steve uses a comprehensive approach toward helping people live better lives through better health. Steve’s acupuncture treatments and his knowledge of herbal remedies, are a pleasant change from today’s “take a pill and call tomorrow” outlook in the medical industry. I was suffering from PMS and headaches. After my first treatment with Steve, the relief was tremendous. I actually fell asleep on the table. The PMS also responded well over time. I was also recently treated for sciatica with good results—the pain was gone in three treatments!
I highly recommend that anyone who hasn’t tried acupuncture or isn’t happy with their current acupuncturist, try Steve Phillips. You’ll be glad that you did.
Treated (for): Sciatica, Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), Headaches
The right acupuncture treatment
For many years I suffered from severe allergies that would last for months. No medicine or over the counter drug could relieve my symptoms. In desperation, I decided to visit Steve Phillips and try acupuncture. After receiving one treatment from Steve, my symptoms went away within one week! I have also used acupuncture for relieving knee and hand arthritis, with great results! Regardless of what ailment I have, Steve always prescribes the right acupuncture treatment, which enables me to stay healthy and physically active at age 52. I have and will continue to refer people to Steve, so that they may experience the same benefits I have from his quality care. Thanks again Steve!
Dan B.
Sacramento California
Treated (for): Knee Pain, Hay Fever, Hand Pain, Arthritis, Allergies, Allergic Rhinitis
I’ve reduced my usage of migraine medicine by 95%
As a lifelong sufferer of both migraine and tension headaches, my consumption of prescription and non-prescription pain relievers had reached a critical level. My primary care doctor suggested it was time to research alternative treatments.
At my first appointment with Steve Phillips, I had the beginnings of a headache. An hour later, I walked out of the office with no headache. After six treatments, I didn’t have a headache for almost two months. I currently receive a treatment every four to eight weeks. If I do get a headache between sessions, a low dose of non-prescription pain reliever almost always takes care of the problem. I’ve reduced my usage of migraine medicine by 95%.
I would heartily recommend acupuncture treatments with Steve Phillips. Even if your insurance doesn’t cover acupuncture, what you save in prescription costs and “down time” is well worth the expense.
Sharon G. B., age 48
Sacramento CA
July 2007
Treated (for): Migraine and Tension Headaches, Headaches
Migraines are a thing of the past
I was a migraine sufferer for over 20 years. My migraines left me debilitated. I would lose up to 3 days a month, lying in bed where the slightest noise or smallest amount of light would cause me torment. The doctors that I saw and the medications they prescribed did very little to help. The medications caused side affects that made things even worse. A friend suggested that I try acupuncture.
I made an appointment with Steve, and that was 7 years ago. In those 7 years my life has changed dramatically. Through his knowledge and care my migraines are a thing of the past. I no longer have to deal with these debilitating headaches. I have been able to make plans, travel, enjoy red wine and not have any fear of getting a migraine. I cannot say enough about how acupuncture has worked for me. By being consistent with my appointments my overall health and attitude has greatly improved. Steve is very knowledgeable not only in his
practice of acupuncture but also in fitness and diet. I feel very fortunate to have found Steve Phillips.
Leslie O.
Treated (for): Migraine and Tension Headaches, Headaches
Happy with the results
It’s been really nice to have a pain-free lower back for the first time in a year, and without pain killers. I’m very happy with the results of acupuncture.
Treated (for): Back Pain - Low
Helping to relieve my pain
I was hospitalized four weeks ago with horrible backpain. Unable to lay down in my bed or sit down in a chair. I spent more than a week without sleep. Until my husband suggested to me to try acupuncture.
For the first session with Steve Phillips most of my back pain was gone. After the 4th session, I was able to sleep through the night for the first time in 2 weeks.
Thank you so much Steve for your care, understanding and helping to relieve my pain.
Sibel E. S.
Treated (for): Back Pain - General
The pain has been controllable
I was referred to Steve Phillips by Kaiser Permanente for neck pain due to an auto accident. Since starting treatment over 2 months ago the pain has been controllable. The disc problem is still there, but through the treatments I have received I am able to work and resume my life.
Bill H.
Sacramento, CA
Treated (for): Neck Pain
I would highly recommend seeing Steve for relief
I have suffered with PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) for 4 years, with that comes Insulin resistance, weight gain and painful periods. My Doctor put me on medication to help with the insulin resistance and that made me very sick, he took me off it and told me I need to watch what I eat and exercise. I saw a nutritionist and followed the program, I found that I was gaining more weight and feeling horrible about myself. I have also suffered from Migraines for the last 3 years.
It has been 4 years and I have been on the constant search for something to help me. I found Steve Phillips. I figured I had nothing to lose by trying Acupuncture. I felt a difference after the first visit. I followed the program he set me up on — changed my eating and took the 1 bottle of herbs he recommended. Within 3 visits I noticed my pants started to fit me differently. I didn’t suffer from painful menstrual cramps and my period has become regular.
I am happy to say that after seeing Steve 1 time a week for about 3 months I have dropped 2 pant sizes, I don’t have hunger mood swings, my period is regular and I do not suffer from as many headaches.
I would highly recommend seeing Steve for relief. My dad was so impressed with my results he has started seeing Steve!
Danielle F.
Treated (for): Weight Loss, Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Migraine and Tension Headaches, Menstrual Pain, Menstrual Irregularity, Insulin Resistance, Headaches
Ibuprofen wasn’t working
Nine years ago, I endured a car accident that caused me a “whiplash” injury to the right side of my neck. At the time of the accident and for a several months following, I was in a significant amount of pain.
Although it seemed to gradually decrease with the use of ibuprofen and physical therapy. My physical therapist warned me that I would need to keep my body strong with exercise and stretches to prevent further injury or pain. However, what I failed to know at the time was that exercises and stretches wouldn’t be enough. I carried a heavy backpack on one shoulder for many years during my college career. Bad idea!
This act alone increased my injury exponentially more than I anticipated. I always maintained a very healthy lifestyle, exercising and stretching as advised, yet my injury was worsening. About four years after my accident, I had reached the point where my neck and back would spasm out of control, causing excruciating pain to the point where some days I could not function with normal, daily tasks.
This began to happen more frequently, and I was having pain in places I hadn’t before. The pain was radiating through the entire right side of my back, my neck, and my head. It was intolerable. I didn’t know what to do anymore. Ibuprofen wasn’t working, certain exercises seemed to aggravate the pain further, Yoga helped somewhat, but nothing was quite enough. By word of mouth, I heard about Steve Phillips’ acupuncture practice. I had always wanted to try acupuncture but was afraid I couldn’t afford it. Fortunately, I took the risk and
attempted my first visit. Lo and behold, I was able to pay a reasonable cost that allowed me to receive my first treatment. The immediate relief I felt was invaluable. My pain ceased almost instantly, and I found the treatment to be incredibly peaceful and calming. Later, I realized that my back wasn’t going into spasms anymore and I wasn’t accumulating pain like before. I was absolutely thrilled! I finally found a treatment that is effective over a long term and doesn’t require medication that potentially poisons my liver.
I continued going to treatments, a few times a month at first and now once a month for maintenance. A price tag cannot be placed on the relief I experience from acupuncture. I’ve even found that I look forward to my treatments and use the time to clear my mind, relax, meditate, de-stress, or even pray. By the time my treatment is over, I’m out of pain, relaxed, and my mind is clear. I am able to walk out of the clinic in confidence that I can live my life virtually pain free.
I highly recommend acupuncture to anyone seeking pain relief. I am certain you will find the relief you seek, because I most certainly have!
Janelle H. of Antelope, CA age 25-30
Treated (for): Stress Management, Relaxation, Pain Management, Neck Pain, Muscle Spasms, Headaches, Back Pain - Upper, Back Pain - General, Auto Accident
After several of my treatments, I was down to only a few cigarettes a day, and then I finally quit.
In September of 1999 I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. My surgeon at the time told me he did not want me to worry about quitting smoking until after my treatment. He said this because as I would be going through a lot of stress and change in my life. After I ended my treatment in March of 2000, I was told it was time that I worked on stopping smoking.
I figured I would try the patch, as it was so well advertised and seem to be a great way to quite in about 6 months. Well 6 months later I was still smoking with the patch. Then I asked my doctor for the pills that they talked about, and she gave me the pills. The pills made me feel strange and did not seem to decrease my smoking at all; I may even have smoked more.
At that time, I told my doctor the struggle I was having and that in my heart I really wanted to quit, but was not having any luck. My doctor said she had another patient that had good luck with acupuncture, and gave me a card that her patient had given her. That is when I met Steve Phillips. Steve was so informative, and positive about what acupuncture could do to help me stop smoking. He also explained to me that a lot of stopping is the desire to stop. So I started my acupuncture treatments. It seemed daily that I was smoking less and less. After several of my treatments, I was down to only a few cigarettes a day, and then I finally quit. Because of acupuncture and the support that Steve gave me, I can say I am a non-smoker. When friends asked how I quit, I tell them Acupuncture!! It works!!
Sally Katen
Executive Producer
SK Productions
Treated (for): Stop Smoking
Highly professional and sincerely warm hearted
This is a letter where I would like to express my gratitude and high regards to Steve Phillips, my disabled mother’s therapist. I started taking my mother to Steve Phillips’ office about one year and a half ago and I was from the start very impressed with his highly professional and at the same time sincerely warm hearted way of taking care of his patients. Making sure that his patient is comfortable and accommodating to disabled patient’s needs. He moves for my mom chairs so she can get into the room with her walker, he makes sure that the temperature in the room is comfortable and lets her into the room so she can lay down waiting for the treatment as soon as he has an available room. He also allows her to stay after treatment, comfortably in the room until her special transportation bus arrives to pick her up. He is always busy taking care of many patients but he has time for everyone to feel special and cared for. My mother is always happy about her visits to see Steve Phillips and I noticed all his patients in his office look happy and comfortable and he welcomes them and says goodbye to them in a very caring, special way that would make any patient feel respected and safe in his care.
His office is always very tidy and organized and all rooms are comfortable. He focuses during the treatment to make sure that the treatment will be the most effective and shows very deep knowledge of patient’s condition and needs. I’m so comfortable of Steve Phillips taking care of my mom, that now that I start my semester at University and will not be able to come with her on her visits, I am still confident and not worried-I know that he will take good care of my mom as he always does. My mother finds his treatments always effective and she would recommend him to anyone as a therapist of choice.
We both are very grateful for Steve Phillips’ hard work and care.
Margarita Brosova
Treated (for): General Health
Allowing me to live a fuller life
Steve Phillips has performed acupuncture for me for many years treating the osteoarthritis in both shoulders which has eroded the cartilage in the shoulder joints.
This condition creates pain from the right elbow to the left causing pain across my shoulders, into my neck, and creates great difficulty in performing many tasks of daily living.
The acupuncture treatments aid greatly in the control of pain, allowing me to live a fuller life despite the problems caused by the osteoarthritis.
Steve also treats other bodily conditions arising from use and abuse related to activity stemming from my profession as a registered nurse and activity of daily living.
I highly recommend Steve to perform acupuncture for the myriad of bodily problems occurring from daily life, to enjoy relief of pain, release of tension, reduction of stress level, and overall bodily rejuvenation.
Lois Mikelson, R.N., M.F.C.C., Ph. D, and Reiki Master
Treated (for): Testimonials from Health Professionals, Shoulder Pain, Arthritis
With the help of acupuncture I was able to carry this baby to full term
It has been a long time since my last visit, but I wanted to thank you for helping me with my pregnancy.
On November 6, I gave birth to a healthy baby girl! It was amazing.
I truly believe that with the help of acupuncture I was able to carry this baby to full term.
You were always so kind and your office was a very soothing place to relax.
I hope all is well. Molly is now 3 months and keeping us busy.
Thanks again, take care
Kelly Herrick
Treated (for): Infertility
My discomfort was relieved
I developed acute foot pain from years of wearing ‘flip-flops’ that were damaging to my high arches. I spent 2 years going to podiatrists, getting xrays plus an MRI, going for physical therapy and wearing orthopedic inserts. Eventually, I sought Steve’s help and within 6-8 sessions, my discomfort was relieved. For the past 1 1/2 years, I’ve been walking normally and feel no pain. Of course, I only wear very supportive shoes now!
Because I had such success, I’ve also sought his help with sinus problems and IBS. I’ve felt relief as soon as the needles are inserted and it’s like a miracle! (seriously)
B. Jacobson, MFT
Treated (for): Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Hay Fever, Foot Pain
My treatment is consistently accurate
Since beginning treatment with Steve Phillips, L.Ac., my health is much improved. I began treatment on May 8, 2002 as a result of a severe back injury suffered at work–I tripped and fell with a patient in my arms during a lift, pivot, and transfer movement. My diagnosis was severe sprain/strain of the lower lumbar and sacral spine. I have a marked sensitivity to most medications and so am unable to use them at all because the pain relief is never worth the side-effects for me–I have noticed marked changes.
I began treatment with a coordinated chiropractic and acupuncture pair. My pain was relieved right away, it was the acupuncture! I dropped the chiropractic. My pain is relieved, my muscle spasms gone, my posture is much improved. My treatment is consistently accurate, creative, timely and appropriate. I was considering a series of 3 back surgeries to help me regain what I have now from acupuncture (twice per month) and periodic conservative chiropractic (every 6 weeks) and exercise. I am happy, pain free, mobile, and I have still not had those three back surgeries.
Joan Holly, R.N. age 72
Treated (for): Testimonials from Health Professionals, Pain Management, Muscle Spasms, Back Pain - Low, Back Pain - General
I have suffered from hay fever all my life
I have suffered from hay fever all my life, and the spring is a particularly difficult season for me. This past March, I went to see Steve Phillips to try acupuncture for my allergies. What a wise decision that turned out to be! Steve’s treatment somehow managed to alleviate the great suffering my allergies always cause once the trees start blooming. I certainly have Steve to thank for the better quality of life.
John L.
Treated (for): Hay Fever, Allergic Rhinitis
What a relief to not have to consider taking chemical meds!
Hi Steve
I just wanted to let you know how things went after my acupuncture treatment for my high blood pressure. I had been tracking my blood pressure for a couple of weeks and it had been consistently in the 160s over high 80s. After the first treatment you gave me, I went home and checked that evening as usual. My BP was 115/74. It has stayed under 130 for a week now. What a relief to not have to consider taking chemical meds!
Thanks and see you next appointment,
Kathleen Mehrten
Treated (for): Hypertension
The treatment was completely successful
I was suffering from what appeared to be acute sciatica but repeated traditional treatment was ineffective. I needed to take a trip with long plane rides with possible long periods of standing and walking through airports and was concerned I might not be physically able to do so with out extreme pain. Through careful examination and his years of experience, Steve was able to discover a completely different aliment with ALMOST the same symptoms and quite a different cause. When he applied acupuncture to this condition the treatment was completely successful and I traveled totally without pain.
Leslie P.
Treated (for): Sciatica, Hip Pain
Be kind to yourself.
There are two people in my life that are extremely important to me. I often tell my nine doctors that I will give them all up before I give up my Acupuncturist, Steve Phillips, and my Bowen Therapist, Christine Jones. I have been seeing Steve for about three years and Christine for over ten years. I had open heart surgery last July 12th, 2006 and was able to endure the post-operative chest pain because of Steve’s expert care. I have had over 19 surgeries in my life span of 66. Being a high maintenance client, I usually look like a pin cushion while Steve is working on all my dysfunctional body parts. Acupuncture has significantly improved my sciatic pain and neck pain. I come out of treatment feeling like a new person and have a big smile on my face. I have recommended Steve to anyone who tells me about their aches and pains. I am so relaxed that I even fall asleep during treatment. Trust me, if your fear of needles has kept you from seeking treatment, don’t hesitate another day and call Steve. Be kind to yourself. Steve will help you with all your insurance questions and get you on the road to feeling better.
I have been on dialysis for three years waiting for a kidney transplant. I have dialysis three times per week. After two months of acupuncture the length of my dialysis sessions were reduced from three hours to two. Also, my KT/V has gone way up, which means my kidneys are doing a better job of cleaning my blood of toxins. My memory has also improved. My faith has kept me strong and Steve Phillips has enabled me to look at each day as a blessing. My husband, Jim, recently became a patient of Steve’s for his serious neck problems and has obtained significant relief from pain. In the July-August issue of ARTHRITIS TODAY the article says that acupuncture “helps regulate the nervous system which can stimulate the release of the body’s natural pain-fighting endorphins.” Being treated by Steve on a regular basis has enabled me to stay positive and endure whatever life throws my way.
Sandi K.
Treated (for): Sciatica, Relaxation, Pain Management, Neck Pain, Kidney Failure, General Health, Energy Enhancement and Energy Balancing
Effective for a wide variety of ailments
My name is Dean Myers and I have been receiving acupuncture treatments from Steve for close to 14 years. When it comes to health, Steve is very knowledgeable. I can attest that his acupuncture treatments are very effective for a wide variety of ailments.
Before my first visit, I thought the needles would hurt or be painful. I am happy to say that this was a misconception. Steve inserts the needles painlessly, and afterwards, I lay quiet for about 30 minutes, enjoying soft music. During this time I just relax or practice meditation and prayer. A side benefit of each treatment is being energized and feeling improved self-esteem.
I have had treatments for pulled hamstring and calf muscles, a torn ACL knee injury, allergies and respiratory ailments in general. These treatments relaxed these injuries and promoted excelled healing. After each visit, I experienced reduced pain, and greater mobility. From my sessions for allergy, my symptoms have been reduced, and I remain less affected by them, even living in Sacramento!
Thank You Steve
Dean Myers
Treated (for): Relaxation, Knee Pain, Hay Fever, Hamstring injury, General Health, Energy Enhancement and Energy Balancing, Allergic Rhinitis
About 95% to almost 100% recovered
One day we noticed that our 11 year old daughter lost movement on her left side of her face. Early signs were she was having difficulties keeping liquid in her mouth; her left eye would not close completely shut; and her smile was crooked to one side. We took her to a neurologist who diagnosed her with mild to moderate Bell’s Palsy. Oral steroids were recommended but it would come with certain possible side effects. We felt that we needed to do something and opted to go with acupuncture.
Because we didn’t know any acupuncturist in the Sacramento area, I googled and found Steve Phillips on the Internet. I called and spoke with Steve Phillips and asked lots of questions. Dr. Phillips was very helpful and patient on the phone. I also spoke with another acupuncturist that someone recommended but was bit turned off by her absolute promise to cure.
Subsequently, my daughter had three sessions with Dr. Phillips during a 3 week period. My daughter after three sessions is now about 95% to almost 100% recovered. We are very grateful to Dr. Phillips.
Sam Chu
Treated (for): Bell's Palsy
Appropriate care
I have been an Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapist in the Sacramento region for over 25 years. During that time I have directed several patients with various pathologies, including family members, to Steve for his expert assistance. Recently, I utilized Mr. Phillips for a musculo-skeletal injury of my own which was not responding to treatment as I had wished. Within 3 treatments with Steve I was able to return to exercises in the gym that I had been unable to perform for several months due to pain. Steve is quite good at identifying the problem, explaining his treatment plan and administering the appropriate care in a timely fashion. I will definitely continue to recommend Steve to my patients.
Greg Robinson, PT, GDMT, CMP
Treated (for): Testimonials from Health Professionals
Has helped me more than other acupuncturists that I have been to
Steve Phillips has applied acupuncture on me many times for my knee arthritis, hay fever, and other health issues. He has helped me more than the other acupuncturists that I have been to.
He is kind and also uses TLC to work on his patients.
I enjoy my visits and we joke sometimes. I highly recommend him.
Treated (for): Knee Pain, Hay Fever, General Health, Arthritis
The treatments work to manage my pain
I have been going to Steve Phillips for nearly 15 years now for acupuncture treatment of peripheral neuropathy in my feet. I can definitely attest that the treatments work to manage my pain and maintain my mobility.
Treated (for): Peripheral Neuropathy, Pain Management
Steve has been a pleasure to work with in so many ways
I am writing this sincere and thankful endorsement of acupuncture treatment in general and Steve Phillips in particular. I began my treatment nearly a year ago for unremitting pain in my right forearm and elbow area that had originated about four months earlier as a result of a lifting injury. Visits with my primary care doctor and medications had not resulted in any significant improvement in my pain level or return of function. Steve was able to provide pain relief after just one visit and within about 3 to 4 treatments the pain was entirely gone. As my elbow treatment was occurring, I had a recurrence of some back pain that was related to a disc compression and sciatica nerve related pain. Steve was able to begin treating this back pain as he was completing the treatment for the elbow. Because these two treatments were so successful and helpful to me, I asked Steve to work on other pain issues in my shoulders with excellent results. The most recent treatments Steve has provided are focused on Carpal Tunnel issues that have developed over the last year. Acupuncture treatment has succeeded in addressing this condition as well. In addition to the acupuncture, Steve offered suggestions such as specific stretching exercises which were helpful in preventing a return of the pain issues in my shoulders, elbow, arms, and wrists.
Steve is an exceptionally knowledgeable practitioner of Acupuncture who has a very professional manner that inspires trust and confidence. His training, his confidence in the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment, and his genuine interest in the overall well being of his clients are all key aspects of his successful treatments. He is an excellent listener who gives his full attention to each person who consults him for assistance. He has the ability to answer questions in a comprehensive and understandable manner that lets his clients know that he has clearly understood their concerns and that encourages the type of additional discussion that enhances treatment decisions and effectiveness.
Finally, Steve offered numerous recommendations that have assisted me in altering my lifestyle in ways that have enabled me to begin losing weight and to eat in a manner that is much healthier. One extremely positive outcome of following Steve’s advice and guidance in lifestyle changes has been significantly improved management of my diabetes reflected in blood glucose levels that are more frequently in the normal range. In addition, I think the acupuncture treatment has improved my immune system and resistance to illness such as colds and flu caused by viruses.
Steve has been a pleasure to work with in so many ways. He is personable, professional, flexible, friendly, knowledgeable, and wonderfully competent in performing acupuncture treatments for a wide variety of issues. It has been a pleasure to work with such a caring and competent acupuncture provider and I whole-heartedly endorse and recommend him as an exemplary person and acupuncture practitioner.
Stephen Grouell, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist
Treated (for): Well Being, Testimonials from Health Professionals, Tennis Elbow, Shoulder Pain, Sciatica, Pain Management, Lateral Epicondylitis, Immune System Strengthening, Elbow Pain, Disc Herniation and Disc Degeneration, Diabetes, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Back Pain - Low, Back Pain - General
Most effective acupuncture treatment I have every had!!
I started seeing Steve when my chiropractor recommended that Steve might be able to add to the treatments she was doing for my knee pain as he had recently helped her with her shingles. I had an old injury (10 yrs ago) and the pain and swelling had been severe for months. I had to do something. After only a few months of seeing Steve, I no longer have knee pain. I am up to 6 miles of hiking on the week-ends and a very happy camper. I continue to see Steve, but now we are addressing other chronic problems I have had and am looking forward to having these resolved as well. Most effective acupuncture treatment I have every had!!
DaNette Dickerson
Treated (for): Knee Pain
Health benefits beyond my expectation
Through my sessions of acupuncture with Steve Phillips, I have experienced health benefits beyond my expectation. Having never experienced acupuncture for myself, and yet hearing what benefits others had received, I decided to give acupuncture a try. When I consulted Steve Phillips for treatments, I was experiencing difficulty with sleep, with waking up feeling tired and lethargic, with puffy eye areas, worsening menstrual cycle symptoms, and a general feeling of malaise. I had tried over the counter and prescription medications for help with these areas, but my symptoms were not resolving, they were getting worse. I changed my diet to mostly vegetarian, exercised, and sought to decrease stress in my daily life, and yet, I
still wasn’t really “up to par”. I increased exercise, only to find that I still continued with my symptoms, and in fact, stopped the exercise all together because my energy levels declined to an all time low. It was at this time that I met Steve Phillips and began to participate in acupuncture therapy for a period of a few weeks. Since that time I have had the first PMS free cycle I have had in 20 years, my eyes are not puffy, the malaise is mostly gone, I am exercising again.
Throughout the course of my treatment with herbal supplements and acupuncture treatments from Steve Phillips, I have been impressed with his consistent and calm nature and with his thorough approach in assisting others through his practice. I feel that Steve has helped me to move into a recovery that is a “milestone” experience for my health. Steve’s experience and expertise made all the difference. I also brought my daughter to Steve’s clinic for help with her cigarette smoking addiction. She has stopped smoking, and has never said one word about missing the cigarettes. I am thankful to know that in this busy world, that there are still practitioners and health advocates who really make a difference, in the lives of people like me, who just want to know better health and to feel well.
Thanks to you for reading my testimonial, I hope that it may encourage you today, and that if you the reader may benefit from acupuncture treatments, I hope that you find a practitioner with excellence such as I did, someone who can assist you into your better health. Thanks also to Steve Phillips, for a job well done. I feel very comfortable recommending him to my close friends, and to my family.
K. Summers, RN, age 39
Sacramento, California
June 2007
Treated (for): Well Being, Testimonials from Health Professionals, Stop Smoking, Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), Insomnia, General Health, Fatigue, Energy Enhancement and Energy Balancing