First acupuncture experience

Testimonial for Steve Phillips’ Acupuncture Practice

Kaiser Permanente referred me to Steve for relief of long standing back pain radiating into both legs. Additionally, I have Fibromyalgia. My hope is to stay off pain medication as much as possible, instead relying upon acupuncture.

This was my first acupuncture experience. Surprisingly the period of time while the needles are in place is actually pleasurable due to an incredibly deep relaxation manifest during the session. However no lasting pain relief of any magnitude occurred after the first three sessions. Then, following my forth session a leap occurred; I could walk better due to reduced pain with straighter posture and increased leg strength. These positive results continued to expand with further treatment. Exacerbations of pain and stiffness occur if I miss my twice monthly sessions.

On some visits with Steve, I might also have sinus pain or headache. On those occasions besides the usual acupuncture points my added symptoms are targeted resulting in instant relief. Even abdominal bloating responds immediately to acupuncture. Steve adapts the treatment to changing symptoms.

I am sold on acupuncture for pain relief. Also I am sold on Steve’s practice due to his calm, gracious, and professional manner. There exists an aura of peace in Steve’s office; never a wait to be seen, only a smooth, quiet and efficient work flow. I highly recommend acupuncture to my friends and always suggest they see Steve.

Margaret Ann Dirks, RN, NP, MPH

Treated (for): Testimonials from Health Professionals, Sinus Headaches, Sciatica, Relaxation, Pain Management, Hay Fever, Digestive Disorders, Back Pain - Low, Back Pain - General, Allergies, Allergic Rhinitis, Abdominal Bloating