Ibuprofen wasn’t working

Ibuprofen wasn’t working

Nine years ago, I endured a car accident that caused me a “whiplash” injury to the right side of my neck. At the time of the accident and for a several months following, I was in a significant amount of pain.

Although it seemed to gradually decrease with the use of ibuprofen and physical therapy. My physical therapist warned me that I would need to keep my body strong with exercise and stretches to prevent further injury or pain. However, what I failed to know at the time was that exercises and stretches wouldn’t be enough. I carried a heavy backpack on one shoulder for many years during my college career. Bad idea!

This act alone increased my injury exponentially more than I anticipated. I always maintained a very healthy lifestyle, exercising and stretching as advised, yet my injury was worsening. About four years after my accident, I had reached the point where my neck and back would spasm out of control, causing excruciating pain to the point where some days I could not function with normal, daily tasks.

This began to happen more frequently, and I was having pain in places I hadn’t before. The pain was radiating through the entire right side of my back, my neck, and my head. It was intolerable. I didn’t know what to do anymore. Ibuprofen wasn’t working, certain exercises seemed to aggravate the pain further, Yoga helped somewhat, but nothing was quite enough. By word of mouth, I heard about Steve Phillips’ acupuncture practice. I had always wanted to try acupuncture but was afraid I couldn’t afford it. Fortunately, I took the risk and
attempted my first visit. Lo and behold, I was able to pay a reasonable cost that allowed me to receive my first treatment. The immediate relief I felt was invaluable. My pain ceased almost instantly, and I found the treatment to be incredibly peaceful and calming. Later, I realized that my back wasn’t going into spasms anymore and I wasn’t accumulating pain like before. I was absolutely thrilled! I finally found a treatment that is effective over a long term and doesn’t require medication that potentially poisons my liver.

I continued going to treatments, a few times a month at first and now once a month for maintenance. A price tag cannot be placed on the relief I experience from acupuncture. I’ve even found that I look forward to my treatments and use the time to clear my mind, relax, meditate, de-stress, or even pray. By the time my treatment is over, I’m out of pain, relaxed, and my mind is clear. I am able to walk out of the clinic in confidence that I can live my life virtually pain free.

I highly recommend acupuncture to anyone seeking pain relief. I am certain you will find the relief you seek, because I most certainly have!

Janelle H. of Antelope, CA age 25-30

Treated (for): Stress Management, Relaxation, Pain Management, Neck Pain, Muscle Spasms, Headaches, Back Pain - Upper, Back Pain - General, Auto Accident

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