Adept at his practice of acupuncture
Steve Phillips is knowledgeable and adept at his practice of acupuncture. I can personally recommend his skill based on my personal experience.
I had suffered a neck injury at work and had all of the clinical signs of cervical disc impingement (pain, decreased muscle strength and loss of range of motion). After just one acupuncture session with Steve, all of these symptoms improved. I never had to take narcotic painkillers.
Steve also helped me with the nausea associated with early pregnancy. After just one session I had regained my appetite. After a few sessions, the nausea almost disappeared.
R. Arora, D.O. (Doctor of Osteopathy)
Treated (for): Testimonials from Health Professionals, Neck Pain, Nausea, Morning Sickness, Disc Herniation and Disc Degeneration