The awesome curative power of acupuncture
I used to suffer terribly from a condition called trigeminal neuralgia until I went to Steve Phillips, acupuncturist. I wish I would have gone to his clinic sooner. Doing so would have saved me suffering financially and physically. I went to several medical doctors for relief which ultimately I never achieved. Now that I have first hand felt the awesome curative power of acupuncture, I recommend it to all that it should be the first line of treatment to be sought. When I consider the psychological and financial implications of acupuncture, it causes me to want to shout from the rooftops, “Why isn’t this medicine mainstream?!” Don’t wait like I did, get acupuncture for your ailments today!
A greatly appreciative patient,
Kristoffer J.
Treated (for): Trigeminal Neuralgia, Facial Pain